Hey! Im Back..

I eat salami... It's smoked.. I've tried biltong, not really nice, not enough spices or something..A mate came from s/a, he loved the stuff, and another type, can't remember what it was called.. So your not a vegetarian... So we'll be able to eat proper food, lol... I'm monet Picasso Salvador Dali, artist.... Ok colouring in, adult style, paint houses, lol... More you make more you spend, definitely.. I had a friend who was on social benefits, had a better life like that than working. I couldn't, I like to be able to have options open rather than saying no cause can't afford it... Oh, my football team. I was going to watch them tonight, forgot all about it. Wow, you already got me from my sports, lol.. You had a good day at work today? Glad I found your thread. I'm excited... Bout our trip :)
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Biltong in different flavors, u wud enjoy .. salaami is good, but i got to eat it fried.. polony is good i can eat it fried or unfried .. lol i tried sushi , that i enjoyed coz it hasd mayo in it.. nope im not a veg eater, we can have plenty of junk, doesnt have to be food.
i eat chicken and fish only hake but its fish right?

there is another word for that .. hmmm house renovators.. but you have an up class type..
yep they get enough and more than enough ,,, i do not wish to be like that .. i would work and earn my money , do not like free money and than you get people saying that they did this and that for you and you will hear it for the rest of your life.. not my kinda thing at all ..

im so sorry, how far in the game is it? you can catch up if you want .. we can chat anada time.. i didn't intend to take u away from that .. :( I FEEL BAD NOW ,,
yep my day has been good.. :) no complaints.. lol unfor'ly we cant DM :( thats the sad thing .. maybe an email u can hook up with? so i can chat with you on that one?
I p/m you my email :) footys finished, lol. No don't be sad, was meant to make you smile, lol. My side won, so maybe had I watched they wouldn't, oh yeah, the world revolves around my actions :) . You'll like free money when we win. They'd be awesome telling you about it for the rest of your life..see that..... Why only cooked meats/salami? Only thing I don't eat is corned beef/ silverside, or cooked pineapple. Love it fresh, gag with it cooked/ heated...
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4 7 12 15 24 30 35 41 there our lotto numbers. Looked up, tennis is on, numbers everywhere, lol...oh getting late here & someone's made me feel guilty about sleeping in tomorrow, lol
thanks .. we wont get sleep if we carry on like this, whats the time there by you now?
lol good thing i kept you busy ..
we put effort into that winning, mind you! looking for those numbers. social benefits? what effort you put in that uh uh ?
i do not like the raw smell , it is a put off..

PINEAPPLE :circle-of-love: fresh and sliced with chilli and salt .. now we talking
would i ever.. just think that u wud need the rest thats all .. but id love talking to you ,, we keep the convo going no matter what .. stay stay stay with me :D .. *singing for Grizzy
right now make sure you keep those numbers and make sure you watch for results.. i'll be waiting
I think I've been staring at this phone, doing not much else for six hours now... That's flown by... 11:30... How long left for work?.... I'm buying it tomorrow... Hopefully jackpot, lol. Why not us, somebody wins every week.
i have 1 and a half hours left .. its 3:26 now..
ofcoz give it a try and see what happens .. yoh! tym did fly by hey .. hope it was a good convo .. :x and well enjoyed.. but u will find more like that talk as much as me .. and than i'll be forgotten past
Who said that? And you are?... I'll be searching for you, not in a stalking way, lol... You'll talk to me again, can't wait... Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow? I could stay up then and continue,lol. Little sleep in?
Noooooo... get and sleep .. the paint will be painting you tomoroo if you continue any further .. have sweet dreams ..
NightiOo.. :thumb::circle-of-love::Namaste:
Night... You have good night.... Reluctantly waving bye... :kiss:
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