High Everyone (With Pics)


New Member
Hello been reading some things on this forum and feel some of you are very insightful when it comes to cannabis...Hope to see and share information on the boards..

I am from Florida but currently working in Conn. New Jersey next week for a few months and then maybe back home...

Here are my toys....









Hope you enjoy ..See you around :ganjamon:
Hello folks
Brand new to this just introducing myself
Let me introduce myself. I am an original gents. In 1982 I was coerced by the US coast Guard in the Mona Passage. I was one of the Jackie Robinson's for baseball what this site has to thank today. I gave several years of service to the federal gov't under Title 21. USC 952 as I was in violation thereof. I have many war stories to share but would rather help us and be helped by you. I'm not that computer literate and could use help in navigating thr site as well as maintaining protocol. My apologies. My endorsement.

Well said BOOTumALL my friend. ;)
What can I help you with or find?
Anywhere you turn is all helpful members.
Please no more apologies. You are among family now. :welcome:
Enjoy, Make yourself comfortable.
See you in the forums.
For the novice grower using cfl in a vey confined space with comercial potting soil. any advice as to watts. growing cycles etc?
Thanks all for the welcome. I've already got invaluable information from this site. I still have a problem navigating and finding out how to get where I just was on the site but still I have been successful at tapping the knowledge already on board. Thanks again!
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