

Well-Known Member
me and acouple friends went into an abandoned house (still good shape just being demolished in acouple of weeks) we 'broke' in and we went down stairs to start we got candles lit etc. and my friend mike was just kind of joking around (I think) about ghosts and shit and freaking his girlfriend out to the point of her not wanting to be there but we decide to go upstairs cause downstairs is kind of dark and creepy. I was the last one in the group and someone says I don't want to be last lol and so I was last. half way up the person in front of me ran up because they were afraid and so I was alone. When I got to the top of the stairs I heard footsteps coming quickly up the stairs and I turned and looked and all there was, was a black shadow coming up the stairs lol it scared the fuck out of me and I slammed the door so hard and whatnot and walked around the corner and everyone was just looking at me lol. I acted like nothing happened because one girl was already terrified. We go upstairs to a room and we close the door and we sit on the ground and started blazing. halfway through a girl called mikes cell phone and wanted to meet up so we got her to meet us at the house (she didn't know if he was with anyone) so one girl hides in another room and mike goes out to get the other girl and bring her in. The house is dark and creepy and the whole time he was kind of saying stuff just to kinda creep her out (I was still sitting in the room with acouple others) and mike and the girl come upstairs and we thought mike was fucking around by wiggling the doorhandle and acting like the wouldn't open. They're like wtf after 2 mins (we were quiet cause we thought he was tryin to freak her out) and then they start going down the stairs I stomp the ground and my other lady friend let out a high pitched scream and they came back up I opened the door (it wouldn't open easily it took alot of force) and then they came in. The girl in the other room started scratching the wall a lil bit and everyone was like whats the sound and getting creeped out and then she opened and shut the door and I have to say it even creeped me out but we're all a lil creeped and we're like lets go as we're leaving the girl who joined us halfway through was last out of the room and the other girl hiding started to come around the corner and she like stopped in mid-air for a second, then with a lil bit of force she finally started moving again and screamed lol freaked the fuck out of all of us lol. But all I'm saying is don't be skeptical in 'haunted' houses, I was skeptical that anything was going to happen and it ended up being one the of the scarist things ever lol.
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