How are my seedlings looking? Pics Included


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I’m checking back in. It’s day # 8 for me and I’ve learned a lot already.

Some info my grow: I’ve got 3 plants and all of them are Blueberry from Phoenix Cannabis Co. I learned that they’ve been growing pretty slow and stretching because I’ve been using the manufacturer recommended light distance on my LED. So based upon some guidance I received here, I dropped my light down to 20” and I’ve noticed a lot more growth (especially in my seedling that sprouted first), so I’m pretty excited for that.

To combat the stretching until I can repot them in the 5 gallon buckets, I’ve added as much soil as I could to their current pots.

In one of my posts yesterday, I shared how I accidentally bent the stem of one of the seedlings and I was hoping it’d make it through. Well after about 36 hours, it’s looking good so far since it isn’t dead.

Some of my concerns are that I don’t really know when to give them a full watering. So far, I’ve just been keeping the top soil moist so I’m feeling a little anxious on when I need to get the entire soil watered. Any tips on that would be greatly appreciated. Also, I have a 6 inch clip fan in my grow tent that does not oscillate. I don’t see anything that I would describe as wind burn, so hopefully all is good there. Additionally, I’m not sure on when it would be an appropriate time to repot my seedlings into their 5 gal buckets. Would that be after about 3 weeks or so?

I appreciate all of the feedback my posts have received so far and I enjoy listening to the advice.


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