how soon can i flower?


New Member
hi guys just want to no how long do u have to wait from seedling to start of flower stage.

i know some ppl veg for 3 4 5 weeks then flower,just want to know the earliest time u can do it.:thumb:
Re: #how soon can i flower.

i think you will find some growers on here and other websites have tried using a 12 hours on / 12 hours off light schedule right after the seed was germinated and put into soil. The idea is to use a Sea of Green type grow and put alot of small plants in one area and just use 12/12 the whole time. The result is a long bud on the main stem of the plant. Google the term "12/12 from seed" im sure you will find some info
Re: #how soon can i flower.

Like ilikebike said you can do it right off the bat. However from the way you worded your question it seems like you are trying to do each phase(veg and flower). If i'm correct, then you can flower once your plant is a good size to handle the bud production,weight of bud, etc. Different plants grow at different rates. I.e- so if your plant is sturdy enough after 4 weeks you can flower.
Re: #how soon can i flower.

I like to veg mine for a while with 6 weeks average & up to 8 weeks.

Some of us believe a more mature plant yields greater end results over a younger plant.
Re: #how soon can i flower.

yeh thanks for replys .i know about 12/12 from seeds and understand sog grows,i did think 3 to 4 weeks of veg then flower. thanks guys
Re: #how soon can i flower.

I like to veg mine for a while with 6 weeks average & up to 8 weeks.

Some of us believe a more mature plant yields greater end results over a younger plant.

yeh i can see the logic in that but i suppose ur light and how many plants play a factor, as in a 250 watt with 5, 4 foot plants wouldnt yield a great deal.
Re: #how soon can i flower.

no problem you did ask in the Original post what was the earliest time you could flower was. when you asked that question i assumed you didnt know about 12/12 from seed because IMO thats the earliest you can start flowering. and you also mentioned that you had seen 3,4, and 5 week grow journals, so i wasn't really sure what you were asking, glad you figured it out thought later!
Re: #how soon can i flower.

When the plant starts to get alternating nodes and or starts to preflower is a good time because its a sign that your plants are mature...

I found that when you flower a seed straight from 12/12 it'll still veg for a few weeks before starting to flower.
Re: #how soon can i flower.

no problem you did ask in the Original post what was the earliest time you could flower was. when you asked that question i assumed you didnt know about 12/12 from seed because IMO thats the earliest you can start flowering. and you also mentioned that you had seen 3,4, and 5 week grow journals, so i wasn't really sure what you were asking, glad you figured it out thought later!

thanks for ur comments bike,got alittle confused with what i was asking myself :thanks:
Re: #how soon can i flower.

yeh i can see the logic in that but i suppose ur light and how many plants play a factor, as in a 250 watt with 5, 4 foot plants wouldnt yield a great deal.

Ye it does in the long run.

I use 125w, 6400k CFL total draw on electric is about 30w aprox for vegging on 18/6.


Used it for seeds/cuttings and veg up to 4 plants in a 60cm by 60cm by 160cm tent.

But if ya want a quick turn around average yield of 1/2 oz per plant if a dailed in grow, 12/12 sog all the way from seed.

I do believe that as a commercial grow in the UK tho & more than a smack on the wrist.
Re: #how soon can i flower.

Ye it does in the long run.

I use 125w, 6400k CFL total draw on electric is about 30w aprox for vegging on 18/6.

Used it for seeds/cuttings and veg up to 4 plants in a 60cm by 60cm by 160cm tent.

But if ya want a quick turn around average yield of 1/2 oz per plant if a dailed in grow, 12/12 sog all the way from seed.

I do believe that as a commercial grow in the UK tho & more than a smack on the wrist.

that would work nicely within that space
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