How the hell do I get two papers to stick together?

yeah get the sticky gum end of a whole other paper and moisten the gum. then rub that gum onto the end of the other paper then put the 2 together. thats the best i can explain right now.
take your 2 papers
lay them out side by side
take a 3rd paper fold it inhalf gum on the outside
lick the gum (top folded side, and bottom folded side)
now put the bottom gum on one end of the dry papers
the other paper on top of the top gum
let it sit but dont let it dry (like 2-3 seconds)
take off the papers, remove the folded one, trash it.
stick the 2 ends together
the gum from the folded one should have left enough for the 2 papers to stick.
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