Choosing the Right Rolling Papers for Smoking Marijuana

The Mad Toker

New Member
Choosing The Right Rolling Papers
For Smoking Marijuana

There are hundreds of different kinds of rolling papers on the market. This can be confusing to the novice. Even long time smokers may use a paper because it is available at the local store.

The information presented on this page can help you make an informed decision on choosing the rolling paper that is right for you when smoking marijuana.

Rolling Paper Width
Rolling Paper Width: The width of a rolling paper is based on the distance from the bottom of the paper to the top (where the glue line is at the top, as it is when being rolled). The most common size widths in the US are:

single wide --- 1 1/4 wide --- 1 1/2 wide --- double wide
single width papers are the most common size
they are referred to as singles, regular size, 1.0 size, etc

There is no standard for width, so a double wide rolling paper produced by one company might be a different width than a double wide paper made by another company. However, rolling paper widths produced by most manufacturers usually fall somewhere in these ranges:
--- single: between 1 1/2 inches - 1 3/4 inches wide
--- 1 1/4: between 1 3/4 inches - 2 1/2 inches wide
--- 1 1/2: between 2 inches - 3 inches wide
--- double: between 2 1/2 inches - 3 1/2 inches wide

A wider paper will allow the user to roll thicker joints than a single width paper. You can roll joints the thickness of a cigarette with single wide rolling paper, if you want a thicker joint you will need a wider paper.

Only use paper wider than a single when smoking big joints that require it. In general, single width papers are effective when rolling joints smaller than a half gram. Larger smokes will warrant a wider or longer rolling paper.

Rolling Paper Length

Rolling Paper Length: The length of the most single wide rolling papers is between 2 3/4 inches to 3 inches long. A joint rolled with a paper this length will be a little shorter than a king size cigarette.

Some manufacturers make longer papers usually designated as king size or extra long. There is no standard, so a king size rolling paper produced by one company will probably be a different length than a king size paper made by another company.

Rolling Paper Thickness

Rolling Paper Thickness: Usually referred to in such terms as free burning (thick), mediumweight, lightweight (or fine), extra thin (or extra fine). Thinner paper allows more air to pass through the paper when you inhale. This helps the joint burn slower than a thick paper would.

Thick rolling papers are the easier to learn to roll with.
Thicker papers are usually referred to as free burning rather than quick burning, unless extinguished they will keep burning.

A thin rolling paper will usually go out within a few seconds of not being toked and placed in an ashtray.
A thin paper (fine or extra fine) is usually recommended when rolling marijuana but a quick burning paper comes in handy when smoking weed that is damp or wet.

Rolling Paper Gum

Rolling Paper Gum: The gum on rolling paper can be all natural gum or some kind of cheaper imitation. Always use the natural gum or ungummed type.

Recommended Marijuana Rolling Paper
Dozens of experts living in North America were consulted and asked to recommend their personal favorite papers. This list may change as future consultations are planned.

June 2006
Club papers were by far the number one favorite
but there are several others that might be worth a try.


Club Rolling Paper: All natural, slow burning with no chemicals added. The single width size come in gummed (all natural gum) and ungummed format. The ungummed papers are extra fine and can be hard to roll with for a beginner.

Club Squares Ungummed are the single width papers preferred by most serious marijuana smokers and people who prefer all natural, chemical free rolling paper. One of the thinnest papers available, a well rolled ungummed Club joint is the mark of an expert.

Club ungummed singles are the recommended paper for joints that contain a half gram of marijuana or less. They measure 1 5/8 inches wide by 2 3/4 inches long and come in booklets of 78 leaves (they come with no booklet cover as shown).

Club Squares Gummed are easier to roll with than the ungummed papers. Besides being gummed they are also much thicker (mediumweight) than their ungummed counter-parts and burn faster.

The gummed singles are easier to roll with, but they burn too quickly to smoke weed with. They measure 1 3/4 inches wide by 3 inches long and come in booklets of 32 leaves. Slightly larger than the ungummed single width. There is a booklet cover with this and other sizes of Club papers except the ungummed squares.

Club also makes wider papers
--- Club Bistro are 1 1/4 wide papers
they come 40 leaves to a pack
they measure 3 inches long by 2 inches wide
--- Club Cabaret are double wide papers
they come 32 leaves to a pack
they measure 3 inches long by 3 inches wide.

The wider extra fine papers are ungummed and recommended for joints that contain more than a half gram of marijuana. Club Rolling Papers can be hard to find and may sell for up to $5 for a pack at headshops.


Chills Rolling Paper: Chills Alien and Chills Americana (also called Chills Tribal) are popular among people who like a single width pure hemp paper. Chills also markets several other brands of rolling paper.
Alien and Americana are made of 100% hemp and all natural gum. They're both lightweight and naturally slow burning with no chemicals added. Chills Americana are cutcorners, a little notch is taken from the left and right bottom edges, this notch makes it easier to roll with.

Chills Alien and Chills Americana single width are recommended for people who want a rolling paper made out of pure hemp. Unlike the majority of other premium rolling papers that come in booklets of 32 leaves, Chills Alien can be found in booklets of 100 leaves.

Alien and Americana single width both measure 1 1/2 inches wide by 2 3/4 inches (70mm) long. Available in various other sizes, Chills rolling papers are becoming easier to find at convenience stores. Definitely worth a try, especially if you can find packs with 100 leaves at a reasonable price.


Hempire Rolling Paper: Made of 100% hemp and with natural glue. Naturally slow burning with no chemicals added.

Hempire 1 1/2 wide are recommended for times when a paper wider than a single is required. Made out of pure hemp with all natural glue.

They measure about 2 3/4 inches wide by 3 inches long and come in booklets of 32 leaves. The booklet cover for these papers comes in several dozen colors. If you get a pack it will probably be a different color than the one pictured here.


Smoking Green Rolling Paper: Made of 100% hemp and are totally tree-free with natural glue. Naturally slow burning with no chemicals added.

Smoking Green King Size are the papers recommended for long joints that can be as thick as a cigarette or a little thicker. They measure about 2 inches wide by a bit over 4 inches long and come in booklets of 32 leaves.

The paper the Smoking Green rolling paper package is made from is non-chlorinated. It can be used to make homemade filters for your joints, when necessary.

However, there are special kinds of 'roll-up-tips' for doing this available at some headshops. These are made from non-chlorinated and chemical free paper, they are ideal for this purpose and recommended for all smokers that use a homemade filter.

Except when forced to do otherwise, in general, it is best to stay away from anything with colored printing. Even all white cardboard is probably unhealthy unless it is chemical and chlorine free. Cigarette and rolling paper package cardboard can be particularly bad.



If you are an occasional smoker this might not be an important issue. If you are a daily smoker or have concerns about your health, you might want to give some thought to the information presented here.

If you can't find any of the particular types of papers mentioned on this page at a store near you, there are other safe rolling papers to choose from.

An expensive rolling paper may not be an indication of quality. When choosing a rolling paper for smoking marijuana always find and use rolling paper that is:
--- all natural paper or 100% hemp
--- ungummed or all natural gum
--- lightweight or extra fine
--- naturally slow burning

This is very important, only use thin, all natural or 100% hemp papers that are ungummed or all natural gum and naturally slow burning. Some types of paper contain chemicals like salt peter and chlorine. If you aren't sure the rolling paper you are using is safe, find a brand that is.

As with most things, you pay for quality. Rolling paper is no exception. A good premium will cost more than the rolling paper available at most stores. Considering the cost of the marijuana needed to roll a joint, paying 5-10 cents for a safe rolling paper seems like a good investment.

Preparation of marijuana prior to smoking is very important. For joints that burn evenly, you should use an herb grinder. The grinder will also grind small stems that often poke holes in extra thin rolling papers.

Club Notes

Because there is no gum, you have to use more saliva with ungummed than you would a gummed paper. You must also do a 'wet-down' just after you roll one up.

The wet down is usually done by inserting the joint in your mouth once or twice to get some extra moisture to cover the joint and help it stick together. Some people use the same procedure after they roll a joint with any kind of rolling paper to slow the burning process.

An alternate method is to dunk the joint into a glass of water for a second. Literally one second, just submerge the joint up to about a quarter from the end that will be put in your mouth and take it out as quickly as possible.

Even soaking the joint for a second with this method usually soaks the joint a little too much. As a result you will probably have to wait 30 minutes or longer for it to be dry enough to smoke.

If you don't preform the wet down the joint will probably start to unroll after you start to smoke it. This may sound like a lot of hassle but the ungummed singles are the slowest and most even burning rolling I've seen.

For some reason, there is no front cover on the single width ungummed papers. All the other types of Club rolling papers do have a cover. They are also distinct from other Club papers in the fact that they have two printed non-rolling papers included in the booklet.

The non-rolling papers are thicker than the rolling paper and not intended to be used for smoking. The first paper in the pack should have printing on it. This is a certificate that says you have genuine Club papers.

When there are 10 papers left, another thicker paper with printing on it will warn you that you are running low. Club gummed singles contain a single non-rolling paper that will warn you that you are running low when there are 10 leaves left.

Chills Notes
Chills Alien single width have been sold in three booklet sizes that I know of, 33 leaves per pack, 48 leaves per pack and 100 leaves per pack.
Chills Americana single width have been sold in three booklet sizes that I know of, 33 leaves per pack, 48 leaves per pack, and 50 leaves per pack.

There used to be a Chills Alien 1.5 size that was not made out of hemp. As far as is known these were the only type of Alien or Americana that were not 100% hemp rolling papers. They were made in Spain and packaged in Canada. Chills were the first hemp papers legally allowed into the USA.

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