

New Member
yooooo i didnt know anyone new about a spliff....lol i was 11 and me and my firned were so blazed we didnt wanna smoke a joint then a ciggerate....so we mix both thinking it wont work...wow the head high is soooo much better...we called the joint/ciggerate....THE HYBRID..wow that sounds cool....and i remember back in the day we would walk to a dunkin dounuts chyll then go out back for a ciggerate...and it was all specail for us to smoke a spliff...we rowled them huge and perfect...we put a little roach in every one....gooooood times....and he would be like "ok i dont have any ciggerates" and i would be all bumed"then he trow a spliff at my and say "..BUT I GOTTA HYBRID....OOOOOOOO"...mmmmmm just talkn about my past :laughtwo:
Its hard to tell, if you want to be an asshole at the end of the story he said, "then he trow a spliff at my and say." Sentence building is important but you must first master the art of spelling! Sorry I'm High :grinjoint:
im fuckn 19...i could tell ya stories back when i was 18 17 16 15....it shouldnt matter its a fuckn god damn story...so yoo assholes should just enjoy what a pot head has to say when hes stoned......GOD
nughugger420 said:
im fuckn 19...i could tell ya stories back when i was 18 17 16 15....it shouldnt matter its a fuckn god damn story...so yoo assholes should just enjoy what a pot head has to say when hes stoned......GOD

You sound like Napoleon from Napoleon Dynamite.

"Maybe I will... GAWD!!"

I betcha that movie'd be even funnier the 3rd time...
Actually, I've never actually mixed tobacco with shake in a joint, but menthol does seem to deepen the effects of it. So, I've tried holding a bunch of smoke from the weed and top it off with a hit of a menthol cigarette since it is heavier and seems to send it deeper. I remember past times as well. Please don't be a hater people. "Can't we all just get along?"
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