I NEED my WEED to grow..help me!


New Member
I have some Q's ...I started out my seedling in peat pots and moved them to 1 gallon containers ( is 1 gal. containers large enough?)
Some of the seedling have just sprouted through but they are yellow...
I also have 2month old plants and the leaves are starting to wilt, what could I do to save these beauties..
I read obout "flushing" the plant..how do I do it and why?
I have a light fixture that holds 2 bulbs ..1 light is a gro light the other is a cool blue light..am I giving my plants "mixed signals" on what to do? (I tried growing out side and the plants looked really good until my dog munched them so I have moved into the garage..that is mostly used for storage)and is regular potting soil and perlite a good combination to grow in?
thanks for the input....
They are probably wilting because they need food. The're taking the nutrients from those leaves because they can't get it anywhere else.

You can get some miracle gro, mix at 1/4 strength and give it to them.

Then gradually make it stronger.

Also, if you plan on keeping them in your garage, I would get more light. You're going to get next to nothing with that amount of light.

Good luck bro!
i got another set of lights and thanks....
growing reefer is alot harder then it seems
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