I poured too much oil!


New Member
Making crockpot oil. I totally zonked out, and poured 4 instead of 2 cups of oil in the pot. i went ahead and did a cook on it, and it looks beautiful, but i know it wont be strong enough. What would happen if i were to buy some indica gels tomorrow and add them to the crock pot and let them cook till the jel dissolves and the thc can strengthen the batch. Or can it? How long should i let it cook? or do i even need to cook it at all?

any help will be appreciated.
So go ahead and cook it. Then when you get a chance, go and get some more bud and throw it in there and cook it again. Should bring the potency up to what you need. You can add kief or trim or whatever you like. I would be careful with gels ..... you don't know what else is in there, and if you can cook with it.
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