I think I'm killing my first plant!Help!


New Member
I'll try to be concise. Was given my first plant, about 4 inches tall in some kindof soft pot. It looked great in all respects. Got it on a Sat. That night, transplanted it into a 1 gal pot(much bigger)in a mix of Foxfarm ocean forest and perlite. Transplanted it by tearing off the soft pot, digging hole in new pot the same size, stuck it in, pressed dirt gently around it. Then I dumped tap water cold straight from the tap enough to soak all the soil. Put the plant under an 8 bulb flourescent fixture with a lot of blue spectrum. Put light very close to tip of plant. Light is very cool(hand over plant feels no heat). Setup was in an under staircase closet. Had a fan blowing gently making plant sway slightly. Temp averaged about 82degrees. By next afternoon, several leaves were yellowing and curling up, leaves were drooping. Moved setup to larger room, got temps under 8o, humidity 40%. Plant continued to wilt. I couldn't stand it anymore and gave it a little more water. Plant perked up a bit. I have a few pics and will try to include them if I can figure out how. Seems I may not post attachments, not sure why. would really appreciate any help ASAP! Many thanks.
What type of light are you using? how many watts?

After you transplant a plant into new soil you should soak it pretty good with water

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I just posted a pic of the plant in members gallery under newgrowguy. If any of you could take a look and let me know your thoughts and solutions I'd greatly appreciate it. I know it looks like an over-watered plant, but how could it be overwatered in one day? Then agian, I don't know jack about any of this!
Hay Dude,
you gotta check that ph and bal it right. I'm now down to two struglling babies. Use some superthrive and make sure you air off the clorine.:headbanger:
Yeah, man. I sit my water out for at least overnight before I plan to use it, to evaporate some of the unwanted stuff. But even then, I have to treat it with pH down. Our water is at like 8.5 AFTER sitting out for 24hrs. I grow hydro, so my pH range varies slightly from what you'd need but I think for soil you want it around 6.8 at most? Slightly acidic

That all makes great sense. What is the best method for soil testing Ph and adjusting it. Only thing I ever balanced was a spa! Btw, I really appreciate your thoughtful responses. Many thanks and may good Karma and weed come your way.
If you go to the garden section of homedepot, they have soil ph testers for only a few bucks. They aren't super acurate but thay will get you in the right area.
It was the cold water that prolly added to the stress of the transplant. Transplanting is alot of stress and so is cold water, one after another prolly wasnt good hehe.
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