If Jenji Kohan Spun Off Weeds, Would it Be Called Hydro or Spliff?

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Jenji Kohan, the brilliant creator of Weeds, whose first name conveniently happens to make us think of “ganja,” delivered something quite remarkable for Showtime this week: Its highest rated show ever. The Season 4 premiere racked up 1.3 million total viewers, besting an episode of Dexter last year. So Kohan kinda gets to say, and do, as she pleases. And taking a cue from The Hills creator Adam Divello and, if rumors are to be believed, Gossip Girl’s Josh Schwartz, she might use that capital to blossom something new: a spin-off.

According to Jenji, it was time to split Nancy and Conrad up for good, but she isn’t done with Conrad’s story. She’s thinking of taking those characters and slotting them into spinoff, specifically one “that takes place in a pot club…I’d shoot it sort of fake reality-show style. It could be pretty like The Hills!” She says of Conrad & Co.: “I love those characters; I just think those relationships wore themselves out, and I wanted to be true to where the characters were. Truthfully, Heylia and Nancy had nothing more to say to each other. Conrad and Nancy weren’t going to be the loves of each other’s lives, so it was time to move on.”

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Source: Jossip.com
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Website: If Jenji Kohan Spun Off Weeds, Would it Be Called Hydro or Spliff? / Jossip
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