Indirect light, how will it grow?


Well-Known Member
Before we start, I already know that the plant grows better in direct sunlight, the more the better.

I have an extra plant that I would like to put in the ground, but she'll have to grow another foot to get tall enough to get direct sunlight in the last available spot in my yard. She would be getting about an hour of direct sunlight, and about 5 hours of dappled shade, followed by 10 hours of indirect, but still bright light until closer to the solstice, or until she gets that extra foot of height.

As this is an extra, I'm not too worried about how she does, but would like to hear from anyone who has grown one or more plants in indirect sunlight. Last year was my first outdoor grow, after growing indoors for some time, so any experience is welcome.
It will stretch to find the light. It might look funny but it will find it’s way. I gave a guy a plant last year that was already 3 feet tall. He put it behind his shed and left it, it grew to about 6 ft where it could be in a few hours of sun. Budded out fine but ended up with a mildew problem like so many others here in the land of rain.
Thanks. I figured that would be the case, but with outdoor plants you can't be too sure. I just wanted to make sure she wouldn't just stall out on me. Since she'll only have a foot to go to get into the sunlight I'll put her in.
When I was planning out the garden I messed up the measurements, and she'll be about 2 feet closer to the fence than I would normally put anything except ginger.
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