Info for Brownies


New Member
Ok so i've got a 1/2 and now i just need some facts straightened out before i get cookin tomorrow. 1) how many sticks of butter should i use? i was told i need 1 stick for every 8th is that so? 2) how long is the high going to last? i hear about 3 hours, which would be good, but like 5 would be ideal. how many brownies should i eat if i want that? and this is the last one 3) is it better to eat before or not eat at all? i usually eat before i smoke so i wont get the munchies as bad and i'll stay higher. but im not sure w/ these brownies. thanks people. hit me back.

I cant answer number 1 off the top of my head, but I can answer your other questions.

2) THe high will lat anywhere between 2-4 hours id estimate. A full brownie will FUCK YOU UP for the longest time, i wouldnt eat more than 1 and a half, 2 at the most.

3) Eating beforehand has its advantages. First, the stone will rock you harder without food in your stomach and take affect much quicker. If you eat beforehand, the stone will gradualy creep up, while taking longer to actualy take effect, because it has to be digeted along with everything else. You WILL get the mad ass munchies on edibles, so either bring some snacks (DEFINATLY bring a shitload of ice water, edibles also cause mad ass cotton mouth) or be prepared to buy some food, regardless.
Hope this info was uesfull.
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