Inkling22 in Louisville, Kentucky


New Member
Hey everyone, I live in Louisville but grew up in the northwest before all the laws for medicinal use and the decriminalization in Washington were in effect. When I was there the cops would arrest you for even having a pipe, if you came across "a cool cop" he would take your weed and grind in up on the pavement with his boot and tell you to get lost. I have been watching local politics here in Louisville in hopes that this state might move towards some sort of relaxation of the laws but this state is still full of the old white republican establishment that are still in the pocket of all the pharma companies.
Anyway I am a family man now but due to the war on drugs I have a pretty decent list of drug charges from my younger days so I can't risk just trusting a stranger so to speak, so I was hoping that from this forum I could meet some like minded individuals to correspond with, hit me up you want, thanks and again hello to all.
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