intraveniously injecting newtrients


New Member
I was just wondering if anybody has ever tried this befor?

I being a diabetric have 1cc microfines so It got me to thinking when a humane takes steroids they usualy do it via seringe for the best quickest effect, so would this work on plants?
I thought I might see if it has been tried befor and if so what were the results?
I'm in the middle of trying it.
Im just making a gallon mixed like normal and then when you stick the seringe in you can feel when it hits the hollow part inside, thats were I inject it.
one shot for every branch just near the base off the branch were it is thickest and a few in the main stem so far going great.
I dont upload pics to this site anymore after hassles with it but if you want me to email you and you can do it I can.
pics off the plant I mean
Interesting consept. Do you have other plants available that you could do a compairison with? Why not just foliar feed?
Wow injecting your plants, interesting. Seems like a lot of work injecting in every branch. Can you provide an update on the effects?
ok this sounds pretty interesting. so how are your plants situated? do the roots sit in any type of liquid to keep it from drying out?
I hate to say this guys but I don't see this working. The main reason is a lack of vascular system. No heart to pump the nutrient means no normal way to distribute the nutrient. What I see happening is a salt build up in the spot of injection which almost always means a nutrient burn there too and possibly stem rot as a final result. now don't get me wrong. I would love to be proven wrong here. I love the idea of experimentation.
I agree that it is a test more suited for a lab. I have often thought about it but it seems like a long shot at best. Maybe a more interesting thing would be to shoot it with a heavy dose of growth formula... if it lived it could revolutionize the world. LOL
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