is it true?


New Member
This is my first time growing. I am growing indoors and my plant is about 10'' tall in the 4th week, is that about right? also i heard that i should crush up and use a multi-vitamin when watering, is that true? any info helps thx
find a basic nute and feeding schedule for it. Pot is a weed...they dont need a million dollar formation of nutes...keep it simple
TTM is absolutely correct. The plant is a very hardy one and has survived, as a species, through many different environments and nutrient situations. That being said, our goal as gardeners is to provide the best environment (light, water, food) that we can. I have seen "Hail Mary" crops (a handful of seeds tossed in the wild) grow into a mass of plants that was too thick to push my hand through. I have also seen high-dollar hydro setups with nothing but dead plants due to unforeseen, and unplanned-for, variables.

My point is, there is no need for all the expensive equipment and nutrients if you are growing on a small scale or are just starting to learn the process. If you have never grown before, and some people will disagree with this, practice with some schwag seeds for a couple of crops. That way, you learn the ins and outs of growing, without the potential for wasting expensive LA Woman seeds or something along those lines.

Just my two cents worth. Take it for what it is worth. Peace!
This is my first time growing. I am growing indoors and my plant is about 10'' tall in the 4th week, is that about right? also i heard that i should crush up and use a multi-vitamin when watering, is that true? any info helps thx

10" is about right. Yes, you should crush up a multi-vitamin when watering - just make sure it's you that eats it not the plant. ;) I agree with what the other posters said, and would add one thing:

Check out this link:
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

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