Is something wrong with my seedlings?

but heck I’ll try anything once
Nope... if someone told me that they peed on the smoke they were handing me... I am not trying it. Sorry. Nutes are not that expensive. I consider the act of putting your personal dna on a grow in this manner to be a totally unnecessary and aggressive act, and one that would triggers me if I was involved with it. Nope... I am not trying it. No way, no how. It might work, and with fancy wordage it might be acceptable, but still no.
How much fertilizer are you using per feeding and how often are you feeding?

According to the Fox Farm Schedule, Im supposed to feed them up to twice a week with 6tsp of Big Bloom for the first two weeks.
*I do not do that though.*
When I planted the seeds, (which by the way ARENT autoflowers, in case anyone was wondering) ... i didnt water them with nutes for the first 2 - 3weeks.
I started the Fox Farm sched on December 9th, so ive only fed them with Big Bloom twice so far.When I water I water them with 10oz of either pHed water or feeding water depending on the day, wait two days, then water again. (i forgot to say I throw in a day of just regular water as well) That is my basic sched, unless they seem thirsty.
Also, each time I 'fed' them, it was only with 1tsp of Big Bloom pHed to 6.5, not 6 because all the YouTube videos keep saying, less is more.

And thats about it man I dont rly do too much...


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Hi @DarionOzb and welcome to the forum! :welcome:

You are doing several things wrong, but lets try to help you out. Your plants should be a lot bigger than this by now. First, adjust your water pH, whether it is plain water or water mixed with nutes, to 6.3 pH. By adjusting to the upper end you are missing out on half of the usable pH range.
Second, Big Bloom is not a nute... it is a collection of microbes and some basic food for them... but it is not supplying everything that the plant needs. You should invest in the rest of the Fox Farm nutrient line, and you should download the instructions so you know how to properly mix them per the week of your grow.
Third, I suspect your watering methods are keeping your plants from growing properly. Every sign I see including the dying and brittle leaves at the bottom indicates that you are watering too often. Let me please invite you to read my article on how to properly water a potted plant, referenced below.

Thanks for the insight.
I really dont think Im over watering though.
Ive only been using 10oz of water and my schedule is kind of like this ->
Sunday- Water
Mon-Tues- Nothing
Wednesday - Feed
Thur-Fri- Nothing
Saturday- Feed ...then repeat. Except adjusting to the 2 day wait of course...
And i do have the whole line up.
After planting the seeds, i waited 2-3 weeks while watering with just pHed water, then i started the fox farm sched.
Except i dont use 6 tsp like it says, i use like .5tsp or maybe 1tsp.


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If I had to guess this early on, I would say your plants are receiving a lack of nitrogen. Use *fresh* urine as a quick supplement. Use maybe a cup per gallon of water. Feed only one of them and check the results compaired to the other plant after a few days. The plant you feed the urine to should start greening up within 24 hours.

Lmaooo!! Im not gonna piss on my plants bro!!
Thanks for the insight.
I really dont think Im over watering though.
Ive only been using 10oz of water and my schedule is kind of like this ->
Sunday- Water
Mon-Tues- Nothing
Wednesday - Feed
Thur-Fri- Nothing
Saturday- Feed ...then repeat. Except adjusting to the 2 day wait of course...
And i do have the whole line up.
After planting the seeds, i waited 2-3 weeks while watering with just pHed water, then i started the fox farm sched.
Except i dont use 6 tsp like it says, i use like .5tsp or maybe 1tsp.
so who chose the 10oz of water, you or the plants? Who made your schedule, you or the plants? And then you are not even following the directions on the nutes... trusting instead some sort of bro science instead of what is printed right in front of you.
Trust me, if you have no idea of the length of your wet dry cycle, and you can not see it getting shorter each time you go through one, you are flying blind. You are making all the decisions for the plant and your container based on human intuition instead of actual science. You are doing this all wrong, and you need to start letting your plant tell you how much to water and when.
Here are some pee free plants that are a little younger then yours.

I think you guys have the timing confused...
Here, look at the timeline of when I planted my most recent REGULAR seeds. *not autoflower* just in case that makes a difference...


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Words paint mental pictures. No one in our marketing department would state “we pee on our plants”. They may phrase it as, “we use organic compost tea recipes to feed our plants”. It wouldn’t be smart for our marketing team to let our customers know that there is cow manure in our compost soil, but cmon, people should have a basic understanding of biology.

At the end of the day, we all know and understand what nutrients a plant needs to thrive. How and where we source those nutrients, I believe, should be as natural and cost effective, as so both the business and the plant are well satisfied.

This guy is growing at home and having trouble. He has two plants. His problems could be coming from several factors. Seeing that he was using a Happy Farm soil and Big Bloom, if they were my two plants in my closet, I would supplement one of the plants with nitrogen, and study the changes. He wouldn’t have to buy anything to test a nitrogen deficiency theory.

That’s all. I love all of you. Grow strong and keep growing.

How would I go about getting some Nitrogen? Its in powder form right? Or am I that much of a noobie?
Has anyone noticed that Darion has not responded since he started this pissing match. Poor guy asked a question which started one of the funniest threads I have seen.

Hahaha! Nah i was just afk
Had to go do some Ubers and DoorDashs.
I am so happy I waited tho. The way this is playing out is hillarious

Has anyone started that pee-poll yet?!
so who chose the 10oz of water, you or the plants? Who made your schedule, you or the plants? And then you are not even following the directions on the nutes... trusting instead some sort of bro science instead of what is printed right in front of you.
Trust me, if you have no idea of the length of your wet dry cycle, and you can not see it getting shorter each time you go through one, you are flying blind. You are making all the decisions for the plant and your container based on human intuition instead of actual science. You are doing this all wrong, and you need to start letting your plant tell you how much to water and when.

Bruh...what point of New Grower do you not understand? Ive been using youtube and shit. I dont know where you expect me to get all this information you speak of . But at the end of the day. A seed is a fuckin seed. And nobody is out in nature pHing the water and balancing nutrients and shit. Its gone grow regardless! So, instead of chopping off my head for not having information that I'm Clearly trying to recieve, how about you give me some damn intel?

Emylia knows her stuff, you gotta control ph because once your in the sweet spot your plants will uptake all the nutes you are feeding. Just grab yourself some good fertilizer, ph pen, even if it’s for your next grow. To be honest if I wasn’t on this site I’d be lost in google and youtube lol
Bruh...what point of New Grower do you not understand? Ive been using youtube and shit. I dont know where you expect me to get all this information you speak of . But at the end of the day. A seed is a fuckin seed. And nobody is out in nature pHing the water and balancing nutrients and shit. Its gone grow regardless! So, instead of chopping off my head for not having information that I'm Clearly trying to recieve, how about you give me some damn intel?

I just use one of those $8 moisture meter on Amazon so I can ram it to the bottom of the pot before I water. I also lift them just to verify. You are correct we can way overthink the process. I just grow for myself and do not depend on every harvest being huge to sell. Thanks for brightening my day though, this was killer.
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