Is this going to be urine or follicle test?


New Member
Hi, everybody. I've been a lurker on this site for a while. I'm female, 5'2, 110 pounds, last times I smoked were heavily during week of Thanksgiving vacation, and then heavily during the 2 weeks surround Christmas and New Year's of 2008. Literally, the last time I smoked was on New Year's Eve. Between that, I didn't smoke. But during those weeks, I smoked very heavily...several blunts/bowls per day.

Just got a job offer, but it's contingent on my passing a drug test. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine, but I don't know what kind of a test it'll be. It's not a government position, but it's a fairly prestigious company.

The funny thing is, my would-be boss told me that he personally doesn't care but he had to fire a bunch of people who failed their drug tests (the employees work while the background/drug test clears). He was basically warning me to lay off on it until the test is done (it'll be done around next week).

I have no plans to smoke until the job is secure. From everything I've heard, I'm sure it'll be a urine test, but I'm just freaking out that it'll be a hair follicle test, even though those are v. expensive. The thing with the follicle test is...I have long, healthy hair. They'll be able to see waaaay into the past. Long, continuous periods of weed use. None of the hard stuff, but still not what I want them to see. I can't really shave my head or even cut it short, because it'll be obvious.

My employer also told me that there would be no random drug tests, just the pre-employment ones. I love weed, but if this is a hair follicle test, I'm going to be screwed.

Sorry for the long rant. Will anyone reassure me that it'll be a urine test and not a hair follicle one?
I'm stupid, just realized that in my state only urine can tested. I'm not sure if that's in every situation, but at least in my situation it is.

Test is tomorrow, I'll post the results when I get them. The good thing random drug testing after this. Whew!
best wishes on your test.. :rollit:
I took it today! I was asked to take off my coat and jacket, empty all my pockets. Given a cup that had a temp gauge on it, asked to pee just above the gauge. The bathroom had no sink (sink was right outside) and the toilet water was dyed blue, also asked not to flush. The nurse poured it into a smaller container with a tamper seal and asked me to initial it. The wall was paper-thin and it didn't help that the nurse had a student nurse training with her, and I had a moment where I was experiencing shy bladder syndrome. SO WEIRD. Anyway, I got it done because it would be even worse for them to make me do it again.

So I'm just waiting for the results at this point. I got to keep a copy of the drug testing form/chain of command form. At least in my situation, they do check to see if it's been diluted, substituted, or adulterated.
They may check, they may not...

But they will always tell you they are going to check.

Best wishes:rollit:
I just checked the specimen status and it says:

Received On: Mar 12, 2009 at 00:00
Status: Results Reported on: Mar 12, 2009 at 00:00

I haven't heard from them yet, so that's a good sign, right?
I passed the drug test, I passed the background check, and I got the job!

Thank you everyone for your insight and encouragement.

I was worried because I smoked very heavily two months ago and I haven't really exercised since then.

Congratulations. Now pull out the bong...
Wow! You got your results quickly...that makes me wonder if I'm in the clear...I sure hope so....Congratulations on the new job and feeling free to smoke again!
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