Its getting hot in here!


Active Member
Hello to all my dear growers, hope your day is going great!
so as i posted before i started my first grow :))
right now using a 60x60X160 cm tent, 50W LED BULB soon will be replaced with a 250 HPS, small vent putting air in to the tent and a big inline fan getting the hot air out.
i am using soil i bought in a haydroshop.
RH 40-65%
temps :23-33 c

my problem is temps, i cant get it down during the hot time of the day (can peak to 37c).
i am planning to put the HPS light soon and we are getting closer to the hot time of the year (June-August is crazy here!)
i already run my light time at night to not overheat my girl.

i've seen online people saying small ac coolers that run on water and ice can help out but their run time is 2-3 hours.. not enough for while i am at work.
Some people on here let their plants sleep during the hottest hours of the day 10 am-4 pm
I keep my closet open and the rh just floods the room and I don't mind. keeps the temp in check. Not sure if that would work for you. Cheers :passitleft:
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