It's Time...

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
You know you have crossed some irreversible line in the parent/child relationship when your 68 year old mother asks you if you know anyone who can get her marijuana.

This request didn't come from some Woodstock-era hippie looking for a trip (no pun intended) down memory lane. No, this came from my very square mother who was looking desperately for a remedy for my father's unrelenting nausea.

Her request came several months ago, during a particularly bad patch of time during my father's treatment for pancreatic cancer. The combination of the cancer and the chemotherapy was causing almost non-stop nausea and none of the prescribed medications, OTC products or anecdotal remedies was helping. In fact, it was their very own doctor who suggested they try marijuana. Of course, he couldn't get it for them, but if they knew someone…

After, I picked myself and the phone receiver off the floor and steadied my spinning head I said, no, I'm sorry I don't know anyone who sells the stuff.
It wasn't long afterwards that she told me a friend of a friend had some and even came over and showed them how to roll a "joint" and smoke it.

My reason for relating this story to you is that I believe it's time for this country to pass a national law legalizing marijuana for medical use. According to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana laws website only 14 states - Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington have some sort of medical marijuana law on the books, allowing its use in some shape or form for medicinal purposes.
I think it's time for this country to stop making the moms, dads and grandparents of this country into "criminals".

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Pharmaceutical Processing
Author: Mike Auerbach, Editor
Copyright: 2009 Advantage Business Media
Contact: Pharmaceutical Processing
Website: It's Time... - Pharmaceutical Processing
I think it's time for this country to stop making the moms, dads and grandparents of this country into "criminals".

The fact that someone has written this, or even thought this phrase is saddening. Good story, thanks for submitting it.
My Dad has glaucoma and terrible pains from a bad hip. I wanted to give him some of my medicine, but his mind will not allow him to take an illegal substance. I told him with all he has wrong with him, he could get his own medical card, no sweat. He will be 80 next year. It is sad that society has so warped us.
Thank you for taking the time to share this story with everyone. I am also at that "Golden" age group that had to rely on their children, or even worse, grandchildren to help locate marijuana for medical reasons. There IS a difference between street smoke and medical cannabis. When I am in pain I certainly do not want a head rush or extreme euphoria, I want relief from the severe arthritic conditions I have(I was a competetive power lifter for 20 years). Doctors fed me pain killers for 8 years and guess what? That's right, I was addicted to to damn things. I went back to marijuana and worked my way out of the pharmacuetical poisoning(nothing stronger than asprin now).
After three years of growing I now rely on ME, and Amsterdam. Growing is work and an obvious learning curve, not to mention the initial cost to set up. Well worth the end results, RELIEF, or just plain relaxation.
I wish I could count on my "baby boomer" brothers and sisters to help end this stupidity regarding medical marijuana but just as baby boomers stood up to the establishment in the 60's, they are, for the most part THE establishment now. Make your voice heard, we need serious reform, NOW.:yummy:
The government cares about you as much as a hawk cares about a mouse.
They make a living off you and think of compassion as a weakness or something that you should have to pay for in a hospital.
Wouldn't want the corporate trough/wallet thinking you might be for the people.
Thank you for taking the time to share this story with everyone. I am also at that "Golden" age group that had to rely on their children, or even worse, grandchildren to help locate marijuana for medical reasons. There IS a difference between street smoke and medical cannabis. When I am in pain I certainly do not want a head rush or extreme euphoria, I want relief from the severe arthritic conditions I have(I was a competetive power lifter for 20 years). Doctors fed me pain killers for 8 years and guess what? That's right, I was addicted to to damn things. I went back to marijuana and worked my way out of the pharmacuetical poisoning(nothing stronger than asprin now).
After three years of growing I now rely on ME, and Amsterdam. Growing is work and an obvious learning curve, not to mention the initial cost to set up. Well worth the end results, RELIEF, or just plain relaxation.
I wish I could count on my "baby boomer" brothers and sisters to help end this stupidity regarding medical marijuana but just as baby boomers stood up to the establishment in the 60's, they are, for the most part THE establishment now. Make your voice heard, we need serious reform, NOW.:yummy:

well said. :goodjob:
I was visiting my 92 year old father inlaw in a retirement home. It is a sad place, people just sitting around in wheelchairs. Some just staring into space. All I could think of was how nice it would be to give them all some magic brownies. It would make the last days go by so much better. Its a shame.
My grandma is in a hospital in California because she broke her hip, I almost suggested to my mom today to maybe consider checking to see if my grandma applies for a medical marijuana license to ease her suffering because the pain meds don't help, and God knows the nurses haven't been doing their jobs...they let her lay in bed with out helping her to use the restroom for four days, FOUR DAYS with out going to the bathroom.

Good story dude...I hope your Dad gets the help he needs effectively

best wishes.
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