I've studied for over a year, let's see if I pass: new method hair test


420 Member
I started formulating a program to pass a year ago for a friend dealing with CPS. She eventually passed. Everything on the internet is the same. That needs to change. Eventually I'm developing a product line much more effective than any out on the market...for a fair price. For now, I'm in the same boat as many. My son's abusive POS dad is trying to play dirty in child support court. So, I'll likely get hair tested. If it doesn't happen I'll test myself to see if I pass...cuz science. For one..what he doesn't understand that since he was a heavy smoker for years THC may still be in his system months later....and still growing out of his hair. Also his hygiene is terrible and his gf and roommate still smoke. So I stubbornly continued to smoke untill about 5 weeks ago. On the other hand I was already doing treatments. Studies show that cosmetics can stop integration into the hair. I'm 31 5"3 130lbs extremely long dark blonde hair. I was an almost daily moderate smoker for years. 1-3 bowls a day. I have 3 weeks untill court( likely test day)
Pictured below is my hair after one month treatments and all products used minus acetone, alcohol, peroxide, dawn, and oil. My hair looks great. Slightly dry but as strong as ever. Products purchased at HEB and Sally's.

I don't regularly use anything to open up the cuticle because when stripping to this extent plus sulfate the hair swells plenty on its own in water.
I occationaly soak in baking soda or benzonite.

I bought several different detox type shampoos. I wash 5-10 times a day. So other than this I decided to try a new approach. Use mostly solvents used in labs.
First I strip with 91% ethanol soaked 15 minutes. Then wash with dawn 4 times. This is a typical wash procedure by labs. I soak hair untill it swells with water. Roughly 30-40 min. Next is a harsh one... Half acetone half dawn. Wash 4 times 5 minutes each. Wash with a detox shampoo 10 minutes. Apply a crystal clarifying treatment scrub 5 minutes (Ion or malibu)cover in cap. Apply heat source for 40 minutes. Let sit 2 hours
Wash out very well in warm water than shampoo twice. Use a deep conditioner.

I alternate this with an extra strength vitamin c/acid treatment made with crushed ascorbic acid, crushed aspirin, dawn, and a table spoon of 3% peroxide. Cover and apply heat for 10 minutes. Let sit another 20.
Afterwards do an acid keratin treatment(heat with blowdryer untill dry) and use deep conditioner. My theory that bonding the keratin into the hair and removing it repeatedly will stick to some metabolites or contaminates.

Once a week use coconut, olive oil, and emu oil for 24 hours making sure to stay clear of contamination.(contaminants soak into hair through oil)

Once a week I soak in 91 rubbing alcohol,dawn,and sea salt for 10 minutes.

Another solvent to try....goo gone once a week. Only let sit 10 minutes. Oil has a tendency to desolve oil.

I use one method a day except on oil soak day.


I'll be posting results from a home test soon. Thoughts?


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Wow, really cool. Definitly out of my element when it comes to hair care, but this could be big for the community while we wait for full legalization. I like the scientific approach! If you get it down into as small a routine as possible and bottle all ingredients you could sell it like a kit. I'm sure it would be very popular.
Wow, really cool. Definitly out of my element when it comes to hair care, but this could be big for the community while we wait for full legalization. I like the scientific approach! If you get it down into as small a routine as possible and bottle all ingredients you could sell it like a kit. I'm sure it would be very popular.

Yes :) I'm working on it. Ill develop tbe products within the next year. I also have access to an ionized minerals that goes completely through the hair. Im trying to use it as a carrier for other ingredients. This system is a bit intense but beats vinegar and bleach....and a mythical toxin wash that costs $200 that many shampoos aren't necessary but nice to have.
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