Jill Stein For MA Govenor Supports Marijuana Legalization

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
On the October 30th, "THC, Two Hotheads on Cannabis" show, Jill Stein candidate for Governor of MA expressed her wish to legalize cannabis in MA.

Stein went on to make the point that if every supporter of marijuana legalization in Massachusetts were to vote for her, she could easily win the Governor's race.

"If everybody who wanted marijuana legalization would come out and vote and bring ten friends, we could actually win this election in a four way race."

Speaking on why she supports marijuana legalization, Stein discussed the violence associated with the cannabis trade that only exists because of prohibition.

"As a medical doctor as I became informed, it was really clear for me, it would be unconscionable for me not to want to end the worse public health consequence of illegal drugs which is largely funded by marijuana"

YouTube - Jill Stein for MA Governor wants to legalize cannabis

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: examiner.com
Author: Mike Cann
Copyright: 2010 Examiner.com
Contact: Contact | Examiner.com
Website: Jill Stein for MA Governor supports marijuana legalization - Boston norml | Examiner.com
Way to go Jill Stein! If only more candidates had her balls .. err I mean boobs?? :goodluck: :thumb:
So if Prop 19 passes, which states would most likely be next? Massachusetts? Washington? Oregon?

Those would be my guesses, though my knowledge is limited.
Slightly Off Topic

How is it that our politicians (Governor, Senators, Congressmen, can dictate what we the people want? Watching the news and keep hearing "It should be discussed at a National Level"? Police Chiefs, are not these people elected to enforce the Law and not campaign for legalizing or not of an issue. Do these types have a battle chest of money to campaign on these issues.. I know I'm rusty on my politics and the abilities thereof but, did not think the Police Chief could legally comment on the issue as he is. If he were speaking as a private citizen then I say "he can say as he pleases". Isn't the Police Chief there to advise the Mayor's on LE issues?

Pleeeeese spare me the pain once again of politicians telling me what I can and can not do... maybe it's not them doing this but, they are a big part of the people who are voting into law these ignorant Laws :focus:

I applaud Jill Stein on her stance!
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