joint and water bottle


New Member
hey i got as high as ive ever been using a joint and a water bottle? wahts this called? thanks
ay man, u gotta b more specific than just a joint and water bottle
well we burned a whole in the water bottle and stuck the lit joint into that having the bottle fill up with smoke and breathing out of the hole the water comes out of
no no im not saying that like cause its a water bottle im getting higher, it just makes the joint lsat a lont longer cause all the smoke stays in there until im ready to use it, you know what im saying?
is that basically a bong cause ive never used one before
Well not really... Kinda, but without the water.
I've done that a few times, it lets you take good rips and it's better than using tinfoil.
im still not sure but you mean but we do something similar where there is a hole where you put the joint and another shot hole. you toke the joint with your finger over the shot hole and take it away when the bottle fills up with creamy smoke

we call it an accelerator
yeah and you can squeeze the bottle to force more smoke into your mouth faster I think thats why he was getting high faster he was getting a more concentrated hit
It seems like your hotboxing, but instead of a room, or a car, you're using a bottle to recycle the smoke. Seems like a good idea because with joints a lot of smoke gets wasted.
whitewidow said:
im still not sure but you mean but we do something similar where there is a hole where you put the joint and another shot hole. you toke the joint with your finger over the shot hole and take it away when the bottle fills up with creamy smoke

we call it an accelerator

Thats what we call a bong round here, lol, if anyones drinkin out of a botle n theres pot, it is used when dry mouth is quenched
Its pretty much a wather pipe, if you are not using water its basically a pipe. You are just using a joint as the bowl. We do blunts out of a water bong, I highly suggest it because you get stupid high. Oh, make sure you got some time to just set and stone for a while because your going to. But yeah, you got a joint water pipe there.
IT's called a chillum.

You can buy them also. Their really nice for a group smoke on a j, because it slows the burning and everyone gets equal hits. Just fill it up with smoke, then let off the carb and clear it.

Kind of like a steamroller.
Around my area we call it a shotgun. We've done 4/5 joints in a big 2 litre (empty) bottle of water.
Can get u nice and high, very very easy to make aswell.
You used to be able to buy a smoking device that looked like a water bottle and you unscrewed the top and put the joint in its spot and screw the top back on.the smoke will come streamin out the tube when you sqeeze it like a water bottle.They called them "Power Hitters" back in the day.I use to get high as hell.My buddy had one but they burnt joints up super fast.:passitleft:
st0ned sk8er said:
^smart kid right here...

just like those kids who think "red rock opium" is real and its not, its dragons blood incense and they think they're getting fucked up because of the placebo effect twisted with lack of oxygen to your brain :laughtwo:
ive had opium before and it was red but i no it werent incense but i dont no what the name was
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