Judge Finds Medical Marijuana Patient Guilty in Pot-Growing Case

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A Kitsap County Superior Court judge Friday found a card-carrying medical marijuana patient guilty of growing pot, saying that under the law, the Bremerton man was "not a qualifying patient."

Judge Anna M. Laurie ruled that Robert Dalton's use of marijuana for chronic lower back pain didn't meet the conditions of the citizen's initiative passed by voters in 1998, or any subsequent amendment to it by the Legislature.

His lawyers, Jeanette Dalton and Douglas Hiatt, had "failed to sustain his burden" on the point that his pain couldn't be "unrelieved by standard medical treatments and medications," such as opiate-based painkillers, she said, adding that marijuana for medicinal purposes should be a "drug of last resort."

West Sound Narcotics Enforcement Team detectives served a search warrant on Dalton's property in August 2007. In court documents, they said they found 88 plants, which they said was well beyond the 60-day supply law for medical marijuana patients.

But Laurie's decision didn't even consider arguments over the currently contested definition of what a 60-day supply is. She called the issue "a moot point," in the case.

The Department of Health has been tasked by the Legislature with defining a "60-day" supply. The current recommendation for card-carrying patients is up to 24 ounces, with up to six mature plants and 18 immature plants.

Hiatt was "very disappointed" with Laurie's verdict, reiterating what he'd argued in court: that Laurie was "second guessing" physician Thomas Orvald, who recommended Robert Dalton use marijuana.

"If Judge Laurie wants to be a doctor, she should go to medical school," Hiatt said. "No patient in this state is safe if she's right."

However, Kitsap County Deputy Prosecutor Cami Lewis called the decision "the correct result." During closing arguments, deputy prosecutor Coreen Schnepf had argued that opiate medications were relieving his pain, and that he needed to have incurable pain by other medicines to use cannabis.

Hiatt had argued that those opiates made Dalton sick and weren't effective at quelling his pain.

Dalton faces zero to six months in jail for the felony conviction. His lawyers will ask the judge at an Oct. 17 hearing to suspend any sentence pending their appeal.

Jeanette Dalton, who is running for Kitsap County Superior Court in November, said that while she respected Laurie's decision, but feared the precedent it would set.

"If other judges apply this strictly constrained of definition, it will adversely affect patients across this state," she said.

With the conviction, Robert Dalton's medical marijuana card is nullified, he said following the verdict. He said he's not happy with the idea of going to opiates for pain control because of their addictive properties.

"I don't want to be a drug addict," he said. "That's why I chose medical marijuana."

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Kitsap Sun
Author: Josh Farley
Copyright: 2008 The E.W. Scripps Co.
Contact: kitsapsun.com
Website: Judge Finds Medical Marijuana Patient Guilty in Pot-Growing Case
Slight sarcastic correction to the quote

Judge Dr. Anna M. Laurie ruled prostelatized that Robert Dalton's use of marijuana for chronic lower back pain didn't meet the conditions of the citizen's initiative passed by voters in 1998, or any subsequent amendment to it by the Legislature. didn't matter since she's sure medical marijuana has no merit, so the law doesn't apply
I was afraid Robert was going to get nailed on this. He didn't have a jury trial. Never trust your life to one man or woman. And like this, its so easy for a judge to just shit on you and say the law doesn't pertain to you. I don't understand how a rational human can see anything wrong with using natural plants to relieve your pain. It makes no sense.
I think he maybe able to overturn this on appeal. Clearly what this shit for brains judge did is not legal. She isn't a doctor.
Damn it!

Hey guys, when that jury duty notice comes, do it!

This shows why juries are important. It also shows that Robert Dalton didn't trust a jury to make the right decision.

We need to show up and make juries work. If the jury system works, then people like Dalton will start trusting it and using it again.

Complining about injustice is one thing, putting on your hurting shoes and showing up at the courthouse to make some justice is also one thing.
Damn it!

Hey guys, when that jury duty notice comes, do it!

This shows why juries are important. It also shows that Robert Dalton didn't trust a jury to make the right decision.

We need to show up and make juries work. If the jury system works, then people like Dalton will start trusting it and using it again.

Complining about injustice is one thing, putting on your hurting shoes and showing up at the courthouse to make some justice is also one thing.
I've been advocating that for years. Its a small way that a single vote actually matters. Its about the only place your one vote can make a difference.
only problem with jury duty is getting paid 7 or 10 dollars for
]a disabled or elderly person to sit on hard wooden benches all day
I don't know about hard wood benches, I just had Jury duty on a pot case and we had the cushy swivle chairs both in the jury box and in the deliberations room. They even had a wheelchair section, though we didn't have any disabled people.

Details in this link -->Jury Duty on a Pot case
The judge was paid off by the major drug pushers (legal) they want her to push there opium based legal drug they make billions on while putting us in jail to keep MJ illegal!!
88 plants is past legal quotes

Not in Washington YET. The law now simply states a 60 day supply. So it could be from 8 to 800 plants. As an example of why the limits should be kept high. I have a friend who was in a terrrible car accident 30 years ago. She's unable to work. She takes MJ by both smoking and edibles. She has to take a lot to control her seizures. She goes through 1 POUND A MONTH. Does someone have the right to tell her she's going to have to live off 1 ounce a month? It takes what it takes and its nobody's business but the patients and the doctor.
we need to do better than that. if we'd fought harder and not sold out in the 70's perhaps this converstation would not be taking place.
MY feelings exactly. My generation has let this country down. We were on a roll in the 60's and 70's and HUGE pressure was put on us. A lot of good people lost there lives in the battle for equality. But we caved. And big money won.
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