Just joined from UK - Seeking advice


420 Member
I don't really know where to post this, but I want to start a Super T CBD:THC 1:1 protocol to treat cancer - it means taking 2 drops every 3 hours (waking hours only) for 90 days. The trouble is, I'm on anti coagulant treatment to prevent blood clots (I have a genetic clotting problem). The anti coagulant is what we call Enoxaparin, I'm fairly sure that's Lovenox in the USA. I have no active clots, the anti coagulant is prophylactic just to prevent any further ones, but I know that cannabis oils also thin blood - I'm not sure whether its safe to take the oils at that level and the anti coagulant together - the anti coagulation treatment is for life, but I don't want to haemorrhage... any advice please?
I'll get you setup my friend......hang on a few minutes.
Thank you Guy. :hug:

@Bamboo69 , welcome to our little forum. I went looking, and lo and behold, I uncovered a discussion on this very subject by CajunCelt, an honored member of ours who recently passed. He was trained as a clinician before his death and his knowledge got preserved in our archives.

His thoughts are relevant to our conversation:

CajunCelt: “With Lenovox, you should not use the oil & omega-3 fatty acid supplements, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), without coordinating with your Dr. You're gonna need him for labs.

The oil may increase the effects of blood thinning medications, including aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), and clopedigrel (Plavix) & blood clotting meds. Taking the oil with aspirin and omega-3 fatty acids is helpful for the clotting, but remember above.

Obviously, the oil works with our ECS. The ECS is also a regulator/monitor for all mammals' auto systems like breathing & your heart pumping.
Blood pressure & diabetes HATE our oil. They are among the 1st issues to be solved.

My opinion would be to wean off of the pharmacy meds and on to the oil as asap.
But, your clotting needs to be resolved 1st. I'm sure you're more than aware of the potential of clots to get weird.

Good luck, stay here, & be a regular about your situation here & coordinate the clotting issue asap.
Then, freak out your MD with your new blood pressure readings!
I went from 185/100 to 160/70 in 1 week, it stayed normal & I've not taken bp meds (pharma) again.”

I think that’s sound advice. I don’t know that I’d try taking both medications at once, and if it were me I’d be speaking with my doctor about switching to cannabis to control clotting. It is, after all, one of the most basic functions overseen by the ECS.

I hope this was helpful. We have a thread that Cajun started before his death that’s dedicated to using cannabis oils to treat cancer. Our focus there is to improve the bioavailability of the cannabis oils. If you’d like to join us there you can follow this link. A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

There’s a wealth of information on the first couple pages and dedicated members man the current pages. We’re here to support in any way we can.
Some of what you're reading might seem overwhelming, or if any of the acronyms don't make sense......just ask, there are no bad questions, were all here for each other.
Thank you @SweetSue!
Thanks for replies. Will read the links later, have an appointment shortly, and there's a big time difference! Trouble is, it rather depends why you're on anti coagulants - most people its for heart, or temporarily for a clot, but I've got a genetic problem that causes sticky blood, and its not the platelets that get sticky, its prothrombin. And its not possible to check how thin my blood actually is on enoxaparin. And because I live in the UK, where its like the Dark Ages as far as cannabis is concerned, I'm unlikely to find any kind of doctor who says anything other than don't take the cannabis.... or any other herbal remedy in fact.... I might just have to wing it....
You're not winging it though my friend. You're not alone either. Acquaint yourself with the site, take your time. Read some of Sweetsues and Cajuncelts threads. And again, reach out......no bad questions here.
We have a tonne of members in the UK. We also know how far behind some of the commonwealth is. Maybe once Canada legalizes, new light can be shed on the amazing healing capabilities of this plant, and the results can transcend the gap. Making cannabis mainstream is what's going to heal people.....and breaking the stigma.
I’d suggest getting in touch with Aunt Zelda’s and see what advice they might offer. It’s somewhat pricey for the consultation, but you’re talking about a critical life issue.
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