Kind citizen


New Member
I wanted to share an experience that happened the other day.

I went to buy a wrap for a B and was a few cents shy, as I ran to my car for change I dropped my last quarter to a place of no return in my center console. It was at this time I started cursing as I am envisioning not being able to smoke a nice B after a long day.

Well a mid 20's guy says "Hey are you trying to get the blunt wrap in there?"

I looked around a little suspicious but told him I was that guy.

He holds out his hand and dumps his change in my palm and says "Only if you are going to smoke fat B with it!"

I replied "hell yes thank you so much man." He nodded and walked off.

WHAT A NICE GUY! I have been so pumped about this lately just knowing there all still good people in this world makes me happy about life and figured I would share my good fortune.
It is a reassurance that the world isn't full of dicks especially nowadays with the economy and all of the bad stuff that goes on, follow them spread the joy.
I figured that's what you were trying to buy, that's why I offered you my extra change, heck what else was I going to do with it. Glad you got to enjoy it man!
I 've done this. How can you not? You know dude is short by something stupid like 25 cents. You know you've been there before .. why not do what you wish would have been done for you?

I bet the guy who gave you the change feels even better about it than you do. Its what happens when you give without reservations. Feels good don't it?
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