Weirdest Person You've Smoked With?


New Member
i'm sure all of us have smoked with manyyy different people, but who was the oddest/randomest/weirdest whatever you want to say, that you've smoked with. I'd have to say 1-my sister 2-a friends dad who i had no idea smoked...3-another friends dad 4-my many more idk they aren't that weird or random though. Actually, one time i asked a guy to get me a Phillie in this store and he said alright..could you get me some bud? so i did and me and my friend smoked at his house..he was a cool dude. Theres a lot of others i prob just can't think of right now..what about you guys?
I used to hook my buddy's dad up all the time. He still doesnt even know he smokes. The wierdest has to be the time I smoked with my grandma.
Hmmmmm, Prob this 50 Year old guy that was in Vietnam.
I was at my friends house delivering his supply, and people started coming over to pick up stuff. We all set and smoked a few blunts with them. One of the guys was a truck driver. This guy was crazy. He was telling us about how he can see everything people are doing in their cars. He told us he sets and watches people roll blunt, get head, have sex, and all this other crazy shit. We were blown, and it was the funniest thing ever. The guy was a strange looking dude.

We've smoked with quite a few crazy people, and I do mean crazy not just a figure of speach.
One day a couple of my boys and I were on the way to the lake when we had to swing by our buddie's house to pick up his stash. His folks had hired some painters who were there and when we were walking in the house obviously all ripped and ready to go they asked what we were doing. We all kind of chimed in, going to the lake, drinking some beers.....SMOKING WEED! That's when the randomness started. I wasn't aware of it until the time, but apparently all painters get high. So this older painter dude, probably around 50 goes out to his truck, grabs some homegrow and a fat spliff, calls "Smokebreak" to his boy and we all got high. Wasn't the last time that summer with those guys...
One time i saw two hippies standing by a gas station with a sign that said "Why lie, i need a beer" so i stopped, asked if they wanted to smoke a joint. Obviously they got in and we got blunted. Crazy thing is when i dropped em off, they were traveling in a bus that was painted like some flower power stuff, and there was another 7 people and a dog on the bus!!! Crazy random shit!!! It's all good though.:peace:
my dad...because it was the first time he ever smoked. and this 68 year old lady from a gas station
My aunt, i used to work where she worked and we'd go and smoke a bowl or two in the back sometimes.
When my friend Len still lived with his parents we'd always toke in his garage no matter what time of day (his parents smoked too). Every few days or so some old Jamacian guy (I forget his name but he was like 90 or somthing) would appear out of nowehrre, sit down on the couch in the garage and give us 10 bux and ask for 2 spliffs. It really freaked me out the first time cause len was inside doing somthing and this guy walks in, sits down and asks for two spliffs. He was cool to smoke with though.
the most wierdest person ive smoked with was this huge guy that scared the shit out of me. the dude couldve been shaq's bodygaurd if he ever needed one. i had met him in the little bodega buying a dutch and he was like "now all i need is some weed" so i was trying to be nice and asked him if he wanted to have a blunt he said ight. no joke, we smoked about 2 blunts each and the dude didnt even look like he was blazed. i guess the bigger u are the more u need to smoke.
Weirdest people I ever smoked with were strangers in a park at 2 AM. I still lived with my parents and it was summer. I had some "fungus" and ate it and decided to go on a walk. Whilst waiting and walking, I came along some kids sitting under a tree at 1:30 am in a public park getting intoxicated lol. I'm like "whats up", what else do you say to someone in that scenerio hehe. We chat a min or two and I ask them if they wanna toke, 1 says no and 2 say yes, so we toke :bong: Then me and my bro went on our way and nice tree that offered hiding to toke some more and wait. While toking we notice a cop car drive up, park about 65 feet away straight ahead of us 90 degrees. I was about to go into run mode when i noticed they were messing with a parked car. It ended up being those kids car that we toked with. The cops rounded the kids up and took one of them with them and the other two go in the car and took off, the whole time(bout 20 mins) we sat in the tree and took lil bitty hits while watching lol. If we woulda left from the tree, they woulda seen us right away, so we really didnt have a choice.
Hmm -

All of my friends are 'unique' but my neighbor is a one-eyed Mexican. He'll come over with a j and we'll sit and smoke. Next thing I know, he's uncomfy in his eye patch so he takes it off. Then I'm seeing a guy with a permanent wink. Can be a little off-putting when smoking. So I'm stoned and trying hard NOT to say anything about the one eye or to ask him to put his patch back on.

Anyway, he's a nice guy... Just can get a bit wierd sometimes.


definately would have to be the bum we smoked out at a bonfire. dude looked like an old version of chong.
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