Last week of veg tips


Well-Known Member
Hi all, like the title says I am in what I expect to be last week of veg, 2 plants in FFOF 5 Gal pots, 9 weeks veg time. No major issues with either plant, both are strong. One has slight cal/mag deficiency and Cal-Mag is en route and arriving Friday. I have been using FF series of nutrients as the schedule recommends. Any tips before/during flipping them to flower? I can't wait too much longer than the week because I have the nursery tent with 5 seedlings and now 7 clones as of yesterday so it will be getting crowded in there real quick!
I just like to make sure there's no issues or deficiencies everything it's growing and healthy so when I flip I don't want anything affecting the stretch.

Thanks Smokey. I've actually been holding off on the flip due to wanting to squash this small CalMag deficiency. I was gonna flip last Sunday but have pushed it back a little, I figure I'll be happy in the long run with the added payoff. Everything keeps getting delayed right now due to COVID and protests in the US, CalMag was supposed to arrive a few days ago but now seems to be pushed til Monday :(

In the meantime I hung up a special curtain hanger so I can really ensure my flower tent is blacked out. I know it has some pin-hole light leaks so figure a blackout curtain all around will help, the tent is in a closet that constantly has a light on and off. It was super-easy to hang up and I may actually get more of them for other areas in my home. This is what I used -

I just like to make sure there's no issues or deficiencies everything it's growing and healthy so when I flip I don't want anything affecting the stretch.
Generally, the longer you can let them “heal” from pruning or training in veg before flipping them, the better.

I veg a long time. Mostly because I’m topping and pruning and supercropping for weeks to get the “shape” I want.

That said, I always give them a couple weeks to “root out” in their final pots and recover before the flip.
Generally, the longer you can let them “heal” from pruning or training in veg before flipping them, the better.

I veg a long time. Mostly because I’m topping and pruning and supercropping for weeks to get the “shape” I want.

That said, I always give them a couple weeks to “root out” in their final pots and recover before the flip.

Thanks! I gave them a nice haircut about a week ago so figured that should be a good amount of time for them to recover from that. They've been in their 5 gallon pots for over a month now and are looking good. I just fed them and did a slight bit of LST on one to pull it open a little bit more but nothing major. I think I should be looking good to flip soon, they've been vegging for 75 days.
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