Lawmakers Have 'Trippy' Idea To Smoke Away Federal Deficit

Truth Seeker

New Member
What if the United States could shrink the federal deficit and get high at the same time? Two congressmen calling for the legalization of recreational marijuana say it's not such a trippy idea.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) say marijuana legalization is a common sense fiscal policy that could save the government billions of dollars through a combination of tax revenues and savings from not pursuing costly enforcement and incarceration.

"We are trying to rationalize federal drug policy," Blumenauer tells ABC News. "We're spending too much money on enforcement for something most Americans think should be legal, and we're losing revenue. And we're going to create a federal train wreck if we don't fix it."

They say the federal government is behind the curve of states like Washington and Colorado, where recreational marijuana is regulated and taxed.

"Colorado and Washington voters agree, as do I, that the proper policy with regard to marijuana is to regulate it rather than ban it," says Polis.

Polis makes the case that marijuana should be treated no differently from "other unhealthy substances" like tobacco and alcohol. But that's not such an easy sell in the halls of Congress, where Blumenauer and Polis face an uphill battle in getting legislation passed.

One of the main arguments against legalizing marijuana is that it can be a gateway drug to more serious illegal drugs, but Blumenauer dismisses that stance as a "red herring."

"I haven't been in any community where people think junior high students can't get marijuana right now," Blumenauer says. "If we legalize and regulate and we concentrate our energies on a policy that makes sense, we end the hypocrisy and we focus on making sure it's not in the hands of kids."

Blumenauer says that regulation should make it harder for underage individuals to obtain marijuana by transferring sales from illegal drug dealers to regulated businesses.


News Hawk- Truth Seeker 420 MAGAZINE ®
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Website: 100 WAPI - Birmingham's Talk FM - Lawmakers Have 'Trippy' Idea to Smoke Away Federal Deficit [From ABC News]
Called and e-mailed my State rep about this bill.
She said that the Children would be safer if it remained Un-regulated.
She claimed that the drug war is working, that we just need to keep up the fight.
What a Farce...we need forward thinkers.
How Stupid of an idea is that?
Really Candice Miller?
We pay you for that kind of illogical thinking and voting.
You Will not get my vote next election.
Have You called your representative in D.C ?
Not saying that it will help, but they need to know Our opinions!!!
One of the main arguments against legalizing marijuana is that it can be a gateway drug to more serious illegal drugs, but Blumenauer dismisses that stance as a "red herring."

I am going to have to agree with this stance.

Marijuana is a gateway drug all right...

A gateway to higher funds for all police departments.

A gateway to higher funding for all court systems.

A gateway to job loss and social stigma for users.

A gateway that allows asset forfeiture - which is even more money in law enforcement's pockets.

And finally, a gateway that allows worthless drug programs to stay open (by default, users are typically offered a deal of go to drug counselling or jail. What other area of society do we put up with a greater than 90% failure rate?). Who is going to take jail under that scenario?​

While written slightly tongue-in-cheek... there is a lot of truth to what I am saying and the way that politicians are acting.
Called and e-mailed my State rep about this bill.
She said that the Children would be safer if it remained Un-regulated.
She claimed that the drug war is working, that we just need to keep up the fight.
What a Farce...we need forward thinkers.
How Stupid of an idea is that?
Really Candice Miller?
We pay you for that kind of illogical thinking and voting.
You Will not get my vote next election.
Have You called your representative in D.C ?
Not saying that it will help, but they need to know Our opinions!!!

Mrs. Miller is towing the republican position and you are right that she should not have received your vote.
You make good; "tongue-in-cheek" points, but there is a lot more to it. The legislation could begin a miracle turnaround for the nation, or if done wrong it could be a bust and nothing more than a 'money grab' for the government. The biggest mistake that could be made in any such legislation for any form of federally legalized marijuana would be to allow the increased tax revenues to end up in General Funds allowing Congress to go on a wasteful spending spree, while claiming to pay down the national debt, just as we have heard such false claims before. ALL newly. marijuana related, tax revenues from 'medicinal marijuana' should ALL be placed in an unbreakable interest bearing trust fund. In two to three years, max, the funds would grow enough where all employer and employee social security payments would then also go into the trust and then from it social security payments would be made. With the rolling in of taxes, the growing interest and the employer/employee payments social security would be secured in perpetuity. Then when the 'recreational marijuana' sales would start ALL collected tax revenues SHOULD go to paying down the national debt. What that would do for the national, and world economy, to have a strong sound secure U.S. economy would reap benefits that would more than bring in other revenues to increase funding for the things you mentioned. Plus consider this. The MASSIVE savings of taxpayer dollars from ending the war on marijuana could then be shifted to increase the funding you mentioned. All would be improved, but no one would pay higher income taxes AND social security AND the national debt problems would be solved. The one fly in the ointment, one I don't like and one that will NOT be liked by any of you .... when the 'recreational marijuana' would become legal it COULD NOT BE A GROWING AND SELLING FREE FOR ALL!. Many now in the business, including many medicinal growers/dispensaries are or were illegal growers, not professional business people. They are not in the habit of keeping books, even intentionally inaccurate ones, and the temptation to record partial sales, and pocket the rest tax free, is what is getting a lot of those people and places raided and shut down. To maximize this, for the betterment of the U.S. and the world, it would have to be a highly detailed in structured, implementation and operation. To make it work, and work fast enough to save the nation from the oncoming eminent bankruptcy, increasing federal tax revenues WILL NOT BE ENOUGH. There also has to be massive cuts, or call them savings. Many farmers are paid taxpayer dollars to not grow certain crops or to not grow more than a certain amount of certain crops. SCREW THAT! Wouldn't you like to have the government, or an employer, pay you to NOT produce a produce or provide a service? Offer a 'deal' to farmers. Trade the subsidies for an allotment to grow marijuana or just lose the subsidies. Which do you think most would pick? Of course there can't be massive acreage of high quality herb grown at a time, but depending on where a farmer might be they could fence in a smallish amount of land and grow there, or build greenhouses or convert existing buildings, or build new ones, for indoor growing. They would have to be able to verify the strain by records. When harvested it would be tested/graded, much like tobacco. It would be sold at auction to those who would market it, like say R.J. Reynolds purchases tobacco. The sale would be taxed and the money go directly to where it is targeted to go, bypassing the wasteful fingers and hands of Congress. Then those who would market the product would sell to stores. That could be taxed again and that money also go to it's target. Then when sold to the public it is taxed again and that also goes to the specific target for whatever type of marijuana sale it is. It's the only way to assure that ALL tax revenues would be collected, and that is KEY to not only the legislation working but also to 'sell it' to the 'straight community' that might very strongly oppose such legislation. If some moron who thinks pot is terrible, but sucks down a dozen or eighteen beers each night or a half a bottle of bourbon, suddenly realizes that this will make sure his social security checks will come, he won't mind so much if a bunch of 'Beavis and Buttheads fry their brains.' He can't lose anything, he can only gain from the change, so suddenly the moron doesn't care and doesn't fight against it. Then think about all those who are adamantly opposed to marijuana, but they have children and maybe grandchildren and they think how all were 'born in debt' thanks to the incompetents who have run the U.S. for so long .... and the thought that what they are against, marijuana in any form, will pay off the 'debt their children and grandchildren, and the ever growing debt future generations of their families would otherwise be born into ..... and suddenly they won't care if some Cheech or Chong sits in the park and tokes and watches clouds all day. They, their children, their grandchildren and all those to come will have a brighter more secure future, AND NOT HOLD, OR BE BORN INTO, MAJOR DEBT. The third key element, and another that will NOT be popular is 'the legitimization of marijuana in any form.' To do that it NEEDS to appear 'respectable.' To do that it means real professional appearing businesses handling 'the product' and not some totally mismatched take any form, no standardization ragtag supply outlet. Entrepreneurs would be needed who would run highly professional stores and chain stores. For the Jane and Joe Sixpacks who would be against marijuana in any form would quickly grow to accept it if chain stores, for example like Rexall or Walgreens popped up all over. It would give 'the product' almost instant acceptability and legitimacy and it would put an end to things like no dispensaries, or once 'recreational herb' would be legal, within a certain distance of schools and churches, etc. When was the last time a Walgreens could not build or open a store in a location because it was near a church or school? When was the last time a town or city created an ordnance was created to keep a Rexall outside of a town or city limits? It doesn't happen because those 'drugs' are accepted by 'the straight community,' even though MANY are dangerous and MANY are HIGHLY addictive and people do, now and then, have the tendency to DIE from toxic 'chemical cocktails' from these 'accepted drugs.' So present and offer marijuana in the same accepted 'light.' Create instant legitimacy for 'the product' by creating a distribution network that mirrors, as close as possible, accepted legitimate 'non-threatening' distribution outlets for the dangerous addictive already legal and already accepted 'drugs.' Also make industrial hemp legal. It's the best plant for making bio-fuel. It's better than the sugar cane that's currently considered tops, or near the top, and it's better than corn, which the U.S. relies on heavily for biofuel. But that drives up the cost of corn so foodstuffs for humans and feed for cattle, etc. costs more and that eats into all our incomes. Fewer trees would be needed for paper, cardboard and even construction, so forest would be saved ... and the tree hugging kind would love that. Do you want to build a house? Check out Hempcrete construction. The hemp is mixed with a binding agent and something else and it sets up like concrete .. but it also grows stronger over time. The Hempcrete literally turns to solid stone over time. There's bridges in Europe from something like the 16th or 17th century that are still strong, safe and used. They were built from an early form of Hempcrete. As all of you know industrial hemp will grow almost anywhere. Throw a bunch of seeds on a gravel parking lot and if left alone it will look like a green field in no time, so the best quality land would not be needed for growing it ... other than in a crop rotation since it feeds the soil better than any other crop, it's roots go deep and better aerate the soil. It doesn't need fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides, all made partially from oil, so there's an oil savings right there, and since they would not be used there would be no runoff from those crops to pollute ponds and creeks and streams and rivers and lakes and oceans. The Greens will LOVE it and give it full support. For those who have fallen for the lie of man made global warming, they could 'feel safer' because the vast areas covered with industrial hemp each year would 'eat up' massive quantities of cO2. Earlier I sent emails to the two members of Congress behind it telling them how I have pushed this idea, in my form, since the first Bush administration, as in the father, President George Herbert Walker Bush, and sent my plan to each and every administration since, even second terms, and I sent it to each and every member of the Senate each year and before the plus-4 zip codes kept people from contacting members of the House that did not live in the Representative's district I sent it to each member of the House each year. I also sent it to all fifty Governors and to every member of my State Legislature. I told the two members of Congress that they are only about twenty-three years behind me in thinking, but at least someone else, someone who MIGHT be able to get something done, FINALLY came up with a plan, that is much scaled down from mine and likely different in many other ways, is at least close enough to mine to be a diamond in the rough and if 'cut and polished' correctly it could become a reality and it WOULD go a LONG way to make the nation strong again and financially secure again .... and if that happens EACH AND EVERY American will benefit from it, as will many around the world as the U.S. and it's economy grows strong again and that would bolster the world economy, so in time most all would benefit from the legislation IF it would be properly written, passed and implemented. If not, the two members of Congress might as well give up now and move on to something they might be able to achieve. There was an old and famous saying in the days of American Vaudeville. It went .... "But will it play in Peoria?" Peoria was known as a tough crowd and what went over big elsewhere could totally die in Peoria, so the thought was if 'it' would be a hit in Peoria it would be a hit everywhere. So what is being faced is something of a; "but will it play in Peoria" sort of situation. The way to make "it play in Peoria" is explained above. It's NOT what all of us have dreamed of for so long. In my case since the late 60's. But it's likely the very best chance we will have for many, many years so I say back it and if we get it be damn glad of it. Compromises have to be made in life and this is one that to get legal pot in some form or forms we very well might have to accept. A little bit is better than nada and only a fool would be stubborn and hold out for something they might never get in the form they wish it to be in and because of it never get any closer to 'the dream' coming true. (There is WAY more to 'the plan." It's something I have thought about for over two decades ...... sort of 'aged in the wood' you might say .... but when you add up the projected increased tax revenues and then add the MASSIVE savings from the LONG list of things/departments/government agencies .. right down to how it has been in the paper that SEAL teams will go up rivers looking for drug cartel operations and then 'oversee' the local authorities ..... if the locals decide to act. Sending highly trained SEAL teams out searching like that and 'overseeing' operations is a large expense. There are MANY, MANY, MANY other things that could be cut out or scaled WAY back on saving large sums of taxpayer dollars. In other cases the doing away with sections of agencies, like the section of the DEA that works mainly on pot, would mean those DEA agents could be moved to other departments and fight meth and crack and other dangerous drugs. Those departments would receive an increase in manpower and funding, getting what the previous pot department got, so the other department would then be more successful fighting dangerous drugs. Fewer dangerous drugs, and fewer dangerous people who deal in such things, and the crime rate drops, people are happier because they feel safer, fewer cops are needed per town/city, and then there is that local savings too for State taxpayers. The longer you look at it and the deeper you delve into it the more things you find where taxpayer money would be saved and Federal, State and local tax revenues would all increase, with the most important goal in mind of making social security as rock solid as The Rock of Gibraltar and paying off the national debt. The 'good numbers' keep growing like a snowball rolling downhill. This is something important to the people, the nation and the world. All Americans should contact their members of Congress and ask them to push the legislation, and include the NEED for the type of structured system I mentioned. None of us should be so selfish that we won't accept it just because that would mean we couldn't 'legally deal' unless we could afford to open a business along the lines I mentioned. Sure it might not be the dream of many, but people could go on doing as they have been and grow for themselves or even for profit. But speaking only for myself .... I could easily live with still not being able to legally grow if it meant I could drive a mile or twelve to a highly professional business that sold 'product' that was tested and graded and has been totally verified as being what it is advertised as being and legally but whatever I wanted. While maybe not the perfect system, in the eyes of many of us, couldn't most of you live with it and be satisfied? It wouldn't be 100% of what we want, but I think about 90% or so of 'the dream' is more than enough to make every possible attempt and effort to make it a reality more than well worth taking.)
Interesting post, but do a girl a favor and throw a few paragraph breaks in there!:geek: huge blocks of unbroken text can be hard for folks to read. ;-)

Interesting post, but do a girl a favor and throw a few paragraph breaks in there!:geek: huge blocks of unbroken text can be hard for folks to read. ;-)


Sorry, but when I wrote it there were paragraphs. There must be some cause for why I had paragraphs here when I wrote it, but none were there when it posted.
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