Leaf scorch or nutrient burn, that is the question?


420 Member
Hey guys,

I am wondering if you can help me out. I am currently at week 7 of flower, and I am experiencing rather severe leaf burn (check pictures). The thing I am having trouble with is identifying if this is due to them being too close to the light, or if this is possibly nutrient burn? I have used this very same feed rescheme multiple times in the past, along with the same lights. This time they did grow far taller, due to me flipping into flower later than I wanted (I had to wait for new starts to catch up). So the only change this time is the addition of silicon to my feed, at the recommended safe dosage. I also experienced a few spider mites and really went to town with mighty wash. I am certain the mighty wash has not helped my situation, but I was careful to do it whilst the lights were dimmed, and left to dry for a few hours before restoring back to full power. These are the only two differences from past runs. I originally thought it was leaf burn from getting too close to the lights, as the other strains that stayed smaller at a much better distance from the light have not developed this severe burn. However, now I have noted parts of plant not so close to the light starting to curl and burn too. The only other factor I could see is that I feed the plants in question at the end of my route, making me think the nutrients in the container gathered at the bottom making the feed more concentrated. Any help on this matter would be very appreciated... PS hope I am in the right section :p


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