leaves are sagging


New Member
growing in a tent
i have 10 plants all s.a.g.e sour
ebb n flow
rockwool and hydroton
ph at 6.0
humidity at 50-55
temp at 70-85
technaflora nutes
1000 watt hps
18/6 lights
veg stage about 1 month
first grow
my questions are....... one ..my leaves are sagging just a little getting a bit nerrvous. and my plants are really short compared to the pics i have seen and i have many more sets of leaves than other pics i have seen. all of my plants root systems sre booming growing out the bottom of the pot on the table. is that normal? iam watering 5 times a day for 10 min / and not at night... every four hours. will send pics soon
:welcome: bhawk!

So far it sounds pretty good. Short plants with close internodes are common in many varieties of MJ and are considered by most to be very desirable traits. I know I like 'em that way. It's pretty normal for the roots to keep going until they grow right out of the pots. Vigorous root growth is definitely a good sign. I've never done ebb and flow so I wouldn't know first-hand what's normal for that type of grow or the particular strain you're growing. Is it just the older fan leaves that are sagging or all of them? If the new growth is vigorous and green I don't think you've got to much to worry about.

Like The Weed said, pictures would be a great help.

Maybe look around in the grow journals for a grow like yours and see how things like this were handled there.

Ask away if you need help. Sometimes it takes a day or two for people to log in and see your requests then you'll get all sorts of opinions.

Good luck and good growin'!

I am having the same problem, about 1/4 of my plants have yellow around the edges of some of the leaves. Is there a way to get a picture on here for someone to look at before you get your 50 posts? :)
Here you go.



Not enough water?


It only let me link the last picture for some reason.
Why would this plant be completely happy looking yet same table, same food?

Here you go.


Not enough water?

It only let me link the last picture for some reason.
Why would this plant be completely happy looking yet same table, same food?

High jdabs. I downloaded your pics so I could blow them up and get a good look at them but the resolution is too low. To me the leaves look like they are getting blotchy looking all over the leaf surface. Is that what's happening? If so it looks like phosphorus deficiency but I assume that you are feeding them a well balanced diet so it could be a nute lockout. Hows the pH? If they're getting good food I'd look there first. If your using hydro nutes like me then it should be between 5.2-6.0. I try to run mine about 5.5. It wanders a bit but usually stays in that range.

How are the roots doing? Any problems with the roots and it all goes to hell.

Not a lot of info to go on. Could you post a higher rez pic? Say at least 250K 5x4. Anything under a meg is good here but 250K doesn't take me forever to download and should be clearer for blowing up. The ones now are 50-70K and don't have enough detail to magnify well.

Anyway, I'm sure others will wander in with ideas too but lets make sure you know what's wrong before doing anything that could make it worse. A lot of nice plants die from good intentions. I might back off the light say twice as far until this is resolved. The faster they try to grow the faster the problem will accelerate.

Here's a link to plant problems and a good place to start a thread asking for advice.

Problems, Pests & Disease Control

Hang in there, I can almost hear the cavalry coming. :0)

C'ya l8r
Labrat, thanks for your help so far, hopefully I can get you enough info to be even more :)

Strange, all the pics that I uploaded are 750-800KB's after I resized them from the 3meg files. Am I missing something, they are as close as i can get to one meg.

I'll go try to make the size smaller with a higher pixel rating then update.

I'm trying to get the camera to flash everytime I take a pic so the colors are real not tainted from the HPS.

New Nikon D5000 is only good if you can get it to do what you want lol.

I would say my ph is 5.5 - 6.0 ninety percent of the time.

Feeding with
flora micro
fllora gro
flora bloom

Super thrive
go nats

Temp is 72.5 humidity is 44
I'll try going to the photo gallery and see if that gives me a better pic.

I did. I got dry2 at 160kb and it almost looks like nute burn. What's your ppm?
ok here are some new pics that are smaller but higher rez... I think.




Well after going back in and looking at it, it appears to have cut off the files at 58k this time. I don't know what is going on, these files were 4x2 and 900 pixels or res. I'm not sure why it's doing this. If you have any idea's I'll try them to get better res photos for you.

I'll try going to the photo gallery and see if that gives me a better pic.

I did. I got dry2 at 160kb and it almost looks like nute burn. What's your ppm?

Not sure, I didn't buy a ppm wand yet LOL. I'll be getting one tomorrow so I can starting keeping records of all the stats. I figured the first $2500 I spent would suffice for the first 4 days, apparently not LOL.

I've only had these plants for 4 days, they came to me coming out of veg.

I'm running 30 gallons of water, 1/4 cup floramicro, 1 cup flora grow, 1 cup flora bloom. This is what the person I got the plants from says he does.
I'm new as in 4 days ago new so I was just listening to him.

Found this site and it appears we have alot of very "high" IQ's around here so I figured I'd move past the just do what I do and don't question it stage from my friend LOL.
I got the larger burn23.jpg and it looks like classic magnesium deficiency. I cheated. I'm looking at the nice color pics in my Grow Bible, by Jorge Cervantes. lol

Almost every 3 part hydro nutes I've looked at are equal parts of G/B/M during veg and different formulas for flower. The Micro contains all the micronutes like magnesium etc. There could be the problem. Check on the makers web site for dosage. If you have epsom salts, put a teaspoon in a cup of water and spray the plants all over and put 2 tbls in your nute tank. Even if it's not magnesium the salts won't hurt anything and is the same dose I give my tubs. I'll convert your measurements into something I can relate to while you check out the website for the directions. I want the mls/liter, oz/gal, pecks/bushel or whatever they have. If they have any info about how much product = ppm that would be great too.
Quote from:


Answer: The proper ratio of each Flora Series nutrient depends on the crop and the stage of growth (look on the label for specific recommendations for different crops). However, as a rule of thumb we use the "1-2-3" ratio:

For seeds, cuttings, or delicate seedlings- use 1/4 tsp. of each nutrient to 1 gallon water

For the vegetative stage of growth- use 3 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 1 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water

For late vegetative to pre-bloom stage- use 2 tsp. of each nutrient to 1 gallon water

For bloom initiation to ripening stage- use 1 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 3 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water
the stuf you gave them before worked out to 2ml/l for the Bl + Gr and only 0.5ml/l Way low on mic. I use 2ml/l for all three of my AN nutes to get about 400 ppm.

The measurements you got from the web site are . . Gr = 4ml/l, Bl = 1.2ml/l, Mic = 2.7ml/l. So add about 2/3 cup of Mic to get you up with that batch tho you're high on bloom. You should be around 5-600 ppm which should be good for now if your nutes are the same strength as mine. The TDS wand is a great investment and will pay for itself in no time by saving nutes. when you plants are small like this you don't need to chang nutes every week. You should be able to go 3 or 4 weeks if you monitor the ppm and add bits of nutes as the plants use them to maintain your ppm.

I just changed one tub in my grow after 40 days from start 2 days ago and the other tub at 43 days looks like it's doing better. lol

I'm gonna hit the sack after a toke and a smoke so I'll be up for 15 or so.
Ok, I'll spray them down and go get a wand tomorrow and add some micro
and see what happens. If you have any more tips, fixes or just general advice please let me know. Humidity, temp, so forth. Blue Lab trunch a good unit?
Ok, I'll spray them down and go get a wand tomorrow and add some micro
and see what happens. If you have any more tips, fixes or just general advice please let me know. Humidity, temp, so forth. Blue Lab trunch a good unit?

I don't know enough about your whole set up and I'm not sure what a blue lab trunch is but if it's a TDS pen it'll probably work fine. Get some calibration fluid for it but they're not as fussy as a pH pen. I'm off to beddy by so g'night. Check out my grow if you're not too sleepy.
Growco Hydroponics - Error

This is a link the the Bluelab Tuncheon manual.

Checked out your set up, looks pretty organized and effecient. I'll get some copies of my whole system tomorrow for you, and give you an update on numbers and new photos after the salt bath.


I'm running 830 PPM, 5.9 PH, 42 humidity, and 74 degrees during the light. 65 degree's night time. Just started my 12/12 today.

I completely drained my tub and put new nutes in, put in 1 cup flora micro, 1 cup flora bloom, 3/4 cup flora grow, 50 ml of sweet, 15 ml of super thrive.

Time to see what happens.......

It's either going to be my first batch of bud or my first "OMFG, I can't believe I wasted all that time and F'd this up!".

Is the PPM and temps good ? Water temp is 65 btw.
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