Leaves Turning Yellow


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone, got my new Bloomspect 1200 last Friday. Its a lot bigger and heavier than my 600 W led. I initially set the veg portion at 100% and the bloom at about 60%. It is really bright and hot.

Bloomspect 1200 LED.jpg

After 2 -3 days I started to notice I had quite a few lower leaves in the center turning yellow. First thing I did was dial back on the light intensity to about 50/50% for both veg and bloom settings as the tent was running hot. (approximately 100 degrees.) I've also opened the walk-in closet door some to let in AC cooled air and am now running about 90 degrees during the day in the tent . I'm not sure though if the yellow leaves is due to heat stress as the upper leaves on the plant look good. I also don't think its a PH issue as I have been testing the PH and using PH down to get my water to 6.5/6.6 PH. PPM has been over 2000 for the last couple of feedings following the Fox Farms feeding schedule. (thats kind of high ??) I am beginning to think I may have a nutrient lock-out (salt buildup ? ) causing nitrogen or cal/mag deficiencies.

WT Red Stem_Yellow Leaves.jpg

WT Yellow Leaves.jpg

Wild Thailand Yellow Leaves 6_12_20.jpg

WT 6_12_20.jpg

Wild Thailand 6_12_20.jpg

My plan of Action: Tomorrow I will perform a flush with Fox Farms Sledgehammer ( I'll have to be careful as I killed a Tangerine Dream plant (3rd grow) the first time I used Sledgehammer) and flush with about 10 gal. PHed water. I will then feed a dose of Fox Farms CalMag and Bushdoctor seaweed/kelp. The flush should wash the accumulated salts out which I think may be causing the nute lockout/deficiencies. I plan on leaving the WT plant in veg for at least another week or 2 as I want a healthy plant growing before I start the light switch to 12/12.

Does that sound like a reasonable plan of action? Could a salt buildup be causing a nutrient lock-out?
I'm open to hearing suggestions from fellow growers.
Hi everyone. I did the flush today. I used filtered RO water PHed to between 6.1 - 6.5 and 275 - 325 PPM per gallon containers. The first flush was with 1 tsp Sledgehammer per 1 gal. water with 6.3 PH/420 PPM and the run-off tested to 6.6 PH/2550 PPM. I then continued with flushing with 4 gal filtered RO/PHed water. The 6th gallon of water had 1 tsp Sledgehammer added which tested at 6.2 PH / 403 PPM and the run-off was 6.5PH/1111PPM. I then let the WT plant set for an hour while I went to get more RO water. I ran another 4 gallons of PHed/filtered RO water with the last run-off testing at 6.6 PH/715PPM.

The final gal of water started at 6.1PH/240 PPM. I then added 2 tsp Bushdocter Kelp and 1 tsp CalMag which gave me 5.6PH/550PPM. I was kind of surprised by the lowering of the PH after I added the ingredients. The resulting run-off tested to 6.6PH/753 PPM. In all I used 11 gal. of water during the flushing process.

During this process I did observe that no matter what my starting PH was the soil mix consistently adjusted the PH run-off to 6.5/6.6PH. I have my plant back under the lights again at 1/2 power for both veg/bloom settings. A water-soaked 5 gal. cloth pot is heavy as I found out. It will be at least 3-4 days before I even think about watering again. I can only hope now that I have not killed my plant, but will keep an eye on her. Hopefully in another week to 10 days I can start the switch to 12/12 flowering stage.
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