LED light help needed


Well-Known Member
I started growing a Incredible Bulk and a Afghan Kush under LED. I was wondering how the temps would be in my tent with the new light. I haven't found anyone with this light in a tent that recorded temps, so here is what I'm getting.

The bars go from 84 to 101 with the lowest on the side of the fan, of course. but the power supply is 115 no matter where I put the fan. So I'm gonna get some more fans, different styles then what I'm using right now, just to see.

The over all temp in the tent is 75. But when I turn on my UV T5 light it shoots up 15 degrees in 20 minutes. There is no way to use my light rail with this light, so I'll have to get a second one if I want to utilize the whole tent.
Here are pix of my girls so far over the last 2 weeks or so. The Kush seems to lag a little. The first 4 are under my old light


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Big lights for sprouts, not so much. Are you running ventilation out of the top, pulling fresh from down low?
I dont have those lights so I'm not in a good way to tell you about them other than my opinion, they aren't for sprouts in Solo cups by themselves. Nice setup though, its gonna produce once you get this worked out. GG
I got this message the other day. They deleted pix and changed the heading. Apparently you can't show pix of a light unless it's a sponsor of 420 mag. So I joined 2 other forums that I hope aren't as discriminatory as this one seems to be.

That said. I will try to be as nondescript and vague as possible. I made some changes in this tent. I know the pots are kind of big but didn't have any smaller ones left. All of my smaller pots, that is to say, not as large as these. (Don't want to discriminate on size) are in my other tent. That tent has a LED (Name withheld) also (wattage withheld) because I don't want to upset someone over the amount of power I am consuming. Global warming and all that.

I'm sure this will kindly be edited for me again. And I would like to offer my thanks ahead of time, much appreciated.


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