Light leaks and flowering > can someone help me understand?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Light leaks .. they cause hermies and are baad, as I understand it from reading a ton of topics. I dont quite get it tho .. in nature, there is no such thing as no light. There is a moon, reflecting sunlight, there are streetlamps, there's light pollution everywhere nowadays.

How is it, that the small amount of light that enters through whatever means, is a problem in a growtent, but not outside ? Does this have to do with the color-temperature of the light entering ? Is there a link to the amount of lumen entering ? Is it a combination ?

When does it become a problem ? Would the miniscule amount of light entering through a slit half a mm wide, cause issues ? Does this story change when it's artificial light instead of direct sunlight hitting the slit ?

Any links or explanation would be great, as I struggle to understand why the moon or my streetlamp doesnt cause hermies ... or does it ?
re: Light leaks and flowering > can someone help me understand?

The moon just reflects sunlight, so it doesn't affect the light cycle, because the sun rays aren't throwing it's light directly on the plant. Streetlights will affect the plants light cycle and can keep plants in the vegetative state or cause hermies.

A light leak that enters into a grow tent is automatically magnified by the reflective material inside the tent.

If you do a search on Moonlight in the forums, there are some very good explanations.
re: Light leaks and flowering > can someone help me understand?

I've had experience with patio grows where street lights have an impact. mostly, I think, it slows down the maturation process and since everyone's major goal is the fastest finish................. but I lean toward agreeing with you in that (probably) low light leaks are not fatal but should be minimized. I have no idea what the trigger amount of light into the grow space is. it's certainly lower than I can measure, even if I had a tool to measure it.
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