Lighting schedule veg (multiple dark periods)


New Member
Much debate about dark periods and such during vegging and after reading a ton of different lighting schedule suggestions i came to the conclusion that there must be a better lighting way. All constructive criticism is welcome im not saying i tried this or it works its just a theory.. discussing things before trying them never killed no one
lighting schedule:
1: 24/0
2: 8x(2.5/0.5)
3: 6x(3/1)
4: 4x(4.5/1.5)
5: 3x(6/2)
6: 3x(6/2)
7: 2x(8/4)
8: 2x(8/4)

much about the dark period i found suggests it being important for the plant to grow faster. It uses stored energy and concentrates 100% on growth and not gathering nutrients or energy which it would during the day. The gas lantern method suggests all kinds of hormonal happenings as well as 18 hours of light or more being unnatural..some of that makes sense idk but with the 1 hour light in between it seems all other hormonesbesides the flowering hormone also dont care for a continuous dark period. Basically the light period charges the battery and the dark period runs it empty and grows. smaller plant, smaller storage capacity. so wouldnt it make sense to give the plant multiple light and dark periods. a small plant will probably not be able to store a lot of energy and wont be growing most of the night on a 18/6 cycle. (This might be where the gas lantern theroy becomes somewhat productive because it give energy to be grown with during the 1 hour in the middle of the night so the second part of the night the plant will grow a little bit more effectively idk). So larger plants are better at gathering resources and storing them therefore a longer dark period can be used effectively. The ratio of 18/6 seems to be the best rate for gathering energy/using it for growing. Towards the end much indicates that longer dark periods before flowering would bring many benefits(better quality, more vigorous growth idk tons of stuff some sounds legit lots doesnt) i havent found any facts basing this but ok lets consider it and end veg phase with 2x(8/4) or 16/8 ratio. Things to consider that i have no answer to:
-is there a transition period from light to dark where the plant adjusts before changing function. i have no clue if so the length of it may be vital.
-what is the perfect rate of gathering energy and using it in respect to its size? that would be interesting as well.
-cannabis plants have evolved and adapted to their environment(internal clock and all that junk) that its performance cant be improved by changing any factors in that case regular day lighting schedule would be best doubt that thou.
-All the hormone build up and accelerated growth during the dark period arent true in that case 24/0 would be best since cannabis is a C3 plant that may well be...

Just an idea anyones thoughts on it?
That seems like a pain to keep up with. I never liked using 24/0, talk about unnatural some of my seedlings hated it! I have two areas a small 4 x 2’ area for seedlings, clones and veg. It stays on 18/6 while the budding room is straight 12/12. Plants continually move through so doing a wild schedule like that would make 2 rooms impossible and so complicated I know I would screw it up.

Just my 2 cents
Yeah with 2 room that would be hard to realize also didnt think of that i guess. so far i have only found some people suggesting that they tried doing 5/1 and plants dont respond well to screwing their cardiac rhythm up that much no pics or facts to base it thou. idk i guess i will have to try this one day signs point to it not working very well thou ^^.
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