Buckshot's Glass Misadventures

Hey Folks

I am starting a thread here to show my glass learning experiences. In my second attempt I made a marble and a pendent. For my third try I went for a larger more complicated marble. One thing I did not know and makes it really hard is when hot some colors go CLEAR! Anyway I was able to get it into the kiln whole... but within minutes it was split in half...I will try again!!!

this was a vortex with a floating planet


Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

So for your viewing pleasure while you wait 10-15 years for me to develop my skills I like to take shots of glass art. Here are a few that I took the other day. I have to find out who did some of these but I know the first bunch are done by Danny Camp.











The rest I have to find my notes of who did them





yeah it is going to be a long time :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Hey Folks,

I went an melted glass again... this one is in the kiln, whole :cheesygrinsmiley: well it was when I left. I tried to make a simple spoon and blew it! I chucked the whole thing. Today I will go back for the marble and try again to make a spoon. I need to get this one cause I want to give it as a gift. I am also going to do another marble. The one from yesterday is an implosion marble. The colors I chose were clear while applying so se will both see what (if anything) comes out of the kiln

I will get pics today
Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

yesterdays effort

Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Congratulations, Brother!
Your early efforts show much promise. Must be nice to have such good teachers around, judging by their work. Kind of reminds of 420Mag!
Glass is so amazing: clear or colorful, sharp or smooth, fragile or strong. I hope you enjoy this artistic adventure.

Thank you Ranger

No more teaching... I am on my own now. Teaching myself. However my instructor looked at the pipe I made yesterday and showed me a white-ish effect that was near a joint and pointed out that it was caused by bending the glass too much while it was not hot enough. I have to admit that was a good pointer.

newb tip... if you touch your favorite polar fleece vest with red hot glass it explodes into flame :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Yesterdays efforts...

I think I am going backwards :cheesygrinsmiley:


Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

on my spiral backward :cheesygrinsmiley:...

I will say that even fail is learn.

When you get uneven glass on top it makes it really hard to control... I almost had it!!!!

Don't let the piece cool or it is going to crack


I don't like these colors... except when mixed


Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Nice glass share bro, there's some stunning pieces there :)

You're doing a fine job of teaching yourself, do you watch youtube videos to get pointers?
Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

newb tip... if you touch your favorite polar fleece vest with red hot glass it explodes into flame :cheesygrinsmiley:

:rofl: I'll be sure to remember. Almost lost my drink of coffee over that Buckshot!
Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Hey folks,

Melted some more glass today... this is red hot so the colors have not struck yet

It might make it out of the kiln :cheesygrinsmiley:

Re: Buckshots glass misadventures


While that marble up there looks round that is a deception... this thing turned out all f'ed up. :cheesygrinsmiley: but when you look in ... it changes.

Here are three views...



Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Wow man, when you start selling them send me a PM. If you're in Maine, I'm planning a trip soon,, I'll pick up and pay cash. Very nice work. I'd rather pay you double then what I pay the haji at 7/11 for Chinese glass.
Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Hey Folks,

I tried hard today. I watch Revere glass youtube vids to teach myself. I tried this one today


Here is my result hot... the color will come tomorrow if it makes it!!!

Re: Buckshots glass misadventures

Well that was a lovely diversion Buckshot. Thanks. :Love:

I like your attempt. Practice will make it better but I always had a fondness for the early attempts.
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