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  • The lollipop method "flamingo legs" has been usefull to me in the past..when I had 5 plants going in one tub...400w hps can only go so far down.

    I don't know what I would be like if I smoked as much as you...maybe I'd be a better person...

    Good luck with finding your settings! :morenutes:
    Easy PotChimp, Thanks for +Reps man! We gonna be some happy peeps soon rocking the Tangerine!!!
    hey pot chimp if you like that song you should check out the group "Living Legends" its a 8 or 9 man group full of free thinking intelligent and some times humorous rappers that are just as good as this guy. Eligh is my favorite dude in the group because be basically makes and produces all his own stuff and hes really good at layering samples and keeping you interested in his vocals. let me know how you like it ONE LOVE!
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