Lime green stunted new growth

Afternoon, I plan on topping these CR’s. Out of the 3 one of them is showing growth again. It’s day 29, and I was wondering would now be the time right after the shock of transplanting is over to top this one and wait till the other two start growing again and do the same. I’ve been reading and learning about topping and I believe it’s in my best interest to top. The auto flowers are going strong and only two out of three CR’s seem to still be in shock. (No new growth) would it be fine to top them as well ? Or would this put them even farther behind and shock/ hurt them again? Also the first leaves on both my autos (cotyledons) have turned yellow and dried up, should I be worried ? All in all they do look way better. I was killing them with too much h2o so their on day 9 of drying out, which will last at least another 2-3 days. Cheers guys :)
I’ve been watching your current journal, and also reading any information you put on here, thanks :). I do believe I have 6 nodes on the two big crown royales. Is there such a thing of taking too much off the top and hurting them? I might snip the first in between 3-4 and then snip the big one at 2-3 just to see what transpires and compare the two. I have a couple questions. If I may ask, who is uncle Ben ? What do you like the best about this technique, snipping between node 2-3 ? Thanks emm :)
I’ve been watching your current journal, and also reading any information you put on here, thanks :). I do believe I have 6 nodes on the two big crown royales. Is there such a thing of taking too much off the top and hurting them? I might snip the first in between 3-4 and then snip the big one at 2-3 just to see what transpires and compare the two. I have a couple questions. If I may ask, who is uncle Ben ? What do you like the best about this technique, snipping between node 2-3 ? Thanks emm :)
Uncle Ben was just an old grower back some years ago on a different forum who documented his research into what happened when you topped at various levels. His work ended up on many forums over the years because it was groundbreaking at the time.
As far as taking too much, these are weeds who's only desire is to mature and keep the species alive. If a triceratops comes along and eats off the top of a plant, it just keeps on going... it has no choice. There is no pain, just the life directive to continue on. It may stun the plant for a few days, but in veg, plants simply adapt to whatever situation they find themselves in, as best they can.
What I like about the 2-3 topping is that it is for sure every time, you get 4 main tops. Then, combining LST techniques, those 4 tips can be bent over to open up the center of the plant, and this opens up 8-16 more nodes that can come up to the top to produce buds. I find this cut to produce the shortest and sturdiest plant and it works pretty much the same way every time.
This compared to 3-4, where you never know what is going to happen, from 3-6 main nodes will result, most often 3 and secondly 5... but the main difference with this cut is that it takes a long time to recover from... 3-5 days before growth really starts again.
Anything above this just produces 2 growth tips and results in a much taller plant in flower.
Haha I love the explanation of the dinasour! This is so true, I think to much when it comes to the tlc I need to give when attending these plants. I think this go around I’ll try at least Two out of the three between the 2-3 node. I love how short and strong those plants look and they can handle the support of the flowers when the time comes. Well uncle Bens techniques live on and I’ll be definitely putting it to the test. I seen one of your posts stating to cut higher up towards the third node instead of the middle ? Just wondering what the theory behind that was ? And should I let the two that are still stunted (no new growth on top) bounce back before I snip them ? Once again thank you em :) cheers
Yes, I would wait for the plants to become healthy before the snip, because it does shock them a bit, as do multiple cuttings like I am doing right now in my tent. Everyone has slowed down this week in response to the aggressive training.

The cutting high up on the node idea comes from later when you are starting to bend the tips over to start the LST. LST works when you put those growth tips down lower than the top part of the plant. If that top nub is sticking up a almost to where that 3rd notch used to be, it makes it easier to bend the tips down below that point. Of course that cut makes it impossible to have enough left over to clone that top piece that was cut off, but I don't generally take my clones at this point in the grow anyway, and I prefer to use lower growth to do it.
That’s exactly what I have been doing to the sour d. Seems like she likes the even canopy as of right now. Unlike one of the crowns that I’m scared of losing, she was the biggest and had the best growth. Unfortunately she’s been stuck like this for almost a week and a half. Will she come around ? I think it’s from when I transplanted her.


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My autos are doing great, lots of pre flowering happening. They haven’t been touched in a while (14 days) and one is ready for some h20 I was wondering do I feed her, or just give her cal mag and water? Last watering was a little bit of veg nuts with b-52 and voodoo. Also going to be kicking in my second solar system 550. I was wondering dose cal mag get used every watering / feeding or just when you feed ? Also should I start a grow journal ? I feel embarrassed commenting on “lime green stunted growth” :( haha cheers
My autos are doing great, lots of pre flowering happening. They haven’t been touched in a while (14 days) and one is ready for some h20 I was wondering do I feed her, or just give her cal mag and water? Last watering was a little bit of veg nuts with b-52 and voodoo. Also going to be kicking in my second solar system 550. I was wondering dose cal mag get used every watering / feeding or just when you feed ? Also should I start a grow journal ? I feel embarrassed commenting on “lime green stunted growth” :( haha cheers
Since you are going so long between waterings (which is a good thing) you probably want to take advantage of each time to feed and give supplements. Especially if you are going to up the light hitting the plants, you need to also increase their feed. Calmag is so important that I give it pretty much every watering, nutes or not.
Thanks em that’s exactly the answer I was looking for. I think I’ll be giving them a little bit of bloom along with cal mag as I definitely see the deficiencies starting. Purple stems on my fan leaves. Light edging on the fan leaves also. I’m super stoked to be watering them nice and slow brining my coffee into the tent putting on some music and feeding her nice and slowly around the edges! They definitely have started the pre flower white pistols everywhere. Lst is kind of all over the place but I have 7 tops evenly on my sour diesel and I’m excited to see those flowers grow :)
Update from the girls this morning. Sour D and amnesia XXL both got bloom nutes with cal mag and bud nutes. Lst back into place after feeding. Ph-6.3 ppm 750
Was a lot of debating with the crown royales this morning two needed water one bounced back and I topped her after her feed. My large girl needed water. dry after 15 days but still stunted, poor thing looks broken. Ph 6.4 ppm 650 they got veg nutes b-52 and cal mag. I started the other solar system 550 up and have it 26 inches away from the two auto flowers in bloom and about 34” from the vegging photos. Here are some pictures. Right now I just hope I can make it to the end of this ride without losing them all. First pic is my sour D she is doing the best so far. Second and third is my amnesia XXL. Fourth is my crown royale that bounced back and got a hair cut (almost couldn’t muster up the courage to do it) and last but not least my poor girl that can’t seem to shake the torture I’ve put her threw. I do have one question. Would now be the time I could cut a few of the bottom fans/ shoots off of my sour d just to clean her up before she going right into flower ? Or is it to late and I would just stress her out? Thanks guys :) cheers


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yes, a week or so before flower is a perfect time to clean them up, but I think I would wait another week or even two so the roots could get stronger and be able to use all the water a little quicker. Later on in flower the game changes and you start trying to get the plants to use as much water as possible... but it is right now that you develop the roots so that can happen.
Thanks em, I will probably wait a good two weeks so those roots can stretch out and clip one or two big fans blocking light, and lower shoots that will not supply much. :)
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