Long time connoisseur, first time member and post

Hello all, I have read many members grow journals and have had a few grows of my own, some successful and some not, I would like to think of myself as a long time connoisseur of this wonderful plant and have been working towards my childhood dream of having a perpetual grow of my own soo I can keep a steady supply of medicine for myself and my wife as well as a few close family members. I would eventually like to learn more on the extraction side of processing the final product. A few friends have told me that I have a natural green thumb when it comes to growing and to pursue this path hard. I'll attach some pictures from past grows, my first official indoor grow was a dwc system with black 5 gallon buckets and a big air pump, I was only able to tend to the room once a week as I lived 45 minutes away from the room and could only spend about an hour to 3 at most each time I was there. Needless to say things didn't go well and I was left with a full crop of seeded plants when I didn't catch a couple males in time and struggled battling heat.. My second and previous indoor grow was a rdwc system this time I was able to tend to it daily for as long as needed, the system was based off of snypes rdwc for those that know of his journals, this was a much more efficient system and a lot nicer not lugging buckets all the time. I'll put pictures from my first grow in this post and the second grow will be in a comment underneath, thanks for reading and I look forward to being a part of the community


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Some pictures of the build process of the system as well as the plants themselves, this grow was a good grow learning wise and I was rather impressed with the final weight of around 28 ounces, a little shy of my 32 ounce goal but for 4 led lights and having had ph issues due to a cheap pen, I did end up buying a higher quality meter with a probe I can leave setting in the control bucket while adjusting. I have some tweaks to make before starting another grow after moving but I'm looking forward to getting back up and going again, this time being able to set up a mother room and a spot for my clones, will be much easier to maintin my garden. Again, thanks for reading and I look forward to being able to give any advice to other noobs to the forum and first time growers, and welcome any advice from long term members and educated growers!


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Camaro....welcome aboard to the 420 train...lots of great folks...make yourself at home...nice plants...grow like no other...:peace::rollit:
Thank you sir, I plan to put up a grow journal once the room is back up and running again, will be a little while after settling into the new home and preparing for winter, but that's the way it goes
Hi and welcome to 420 Magazine
May I assume, you have or want, a - 91 Camaro? ;)
By the looks of your pics.. You know your way around with tools and fixing things.
You are going to fit right in:Namaste:
Hi and welcome to 420 Magazine
May I assume, you have or want, a - 91 Camaro? ;)
By the looks of your pics.. You know your way around with tools and fixing things.
You are going to fit right in:Namaste:
Thanks angrybird, I had a 92 camaro lol, was born in 91. And I've been the head mechanic at a transmission shop for just over 11 years now, needless to say I'm huge on DIY anywhere I can to save a few bucks. I'll tackle any task, I built the framing for the room 16 on center, and wired the room with 3 sets of outlets in the ceiling and 1 on the wall, done with 12/2 romex, as could be seen previously I also did the plumbing for the system, lots of research was done before this system was built and I will be mimicking it again once construction is complete in the new room with a few tweaks to help keep air temp down more as well as will be building a water to air heat exchanger for the winter months to help keep res temps down
:welcome: to 420!

Pictures under normal light would be greatly appreciated so we can more fully enjoy the fruits of your labours. :)

I certainly will this next time around, these are all pictures from my previous 2 grows, the first pictures were from bag seeds and the second grow was done from some feminized jack herer seeds from the green house seed company that performed very well, a strain I would recommend to any grower, had that nice earthy but sweet taste and was sooo soooo smooth. Long time have I wanted to be able to produce my own soo I can be more stringent about my quality than the big commercial growers have time to be. Thanks for the welcomes and I look forward to seeing everyone in the forums
Hi there Camaro and welcome to 420! Feels a bit weird to say that as I just found the forum a few days ago and you've already been around for a long time. I just happened to post before you :laugh: Well, either way; welcome! I'll be following your grow, cheers and :goodluck:
Hi there Camaro and welcome to 420! Feels a bit weird to say that as I just found the forum a few days ago and you've already been around for a long time. I just happened to post before you :laugh: Well, either way; welcome! I'll be following your grow, cheers and :goodluck:
I thank you for the welcomes as well, I’ve been reading multiple forums for a few years now, just finally bringing myself around to joining one for the first time. I’ve been a long time supporter of the cause and have my hands in a few local grows around me helping friends out and helping them tweak things to help dial in their rooms. It’s helped me determine how I want my room setup once I’m moved into a final location with a basement again, as for now I’ll be battling heat a little bit due to being in a mobile home, but if there’s no obstacles to jump over what’s the point right? Lol. Look forward to seeing your grows as well and being able to share thoughts and system builds with the members on the forum
Welcome to 420 my friend. So many nice people to get to know on here. Seems your getting to know some of them already. Good luck on your future escapades :)
Thank you much, I have gotten more replies from this than I have expected to and enjoy the friendliness from the community and look forward to contributing what has been taught to me to others that are new to the sport
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