Longhorns Super Lemon Haze


New Member
Day 77 since germination, and day 55 in flower. Enjoy!! Three plants in 5 gallon buckets all bubbling!!!



Those colas look nice. I hope my SLH turns out that well. What kind of lights/nutes are you using?

Keep up the good work.
Those colas look nice. I hope my SLH turns out that well. What kind of lights/nutes are you using?

Keep up the good work.

Krack, thank you for the kind words. I used my CFL's for veg and I am using a 600w for grow. I use Technaflora nutes. I just follow their recipe for success. Next grow, I am going to try Advanced Nutes and see what a difference I will get. Thanks again!
Nice buddage my friend!! What watt hps is that your using?


Thank you Answer. I am using a 600w that I got from HTG. Using their digital ballast as well. I burned one up early on when I first got the light and they had me a new one in two days. Even sent me a brand new first and just trusted me to send the bad one back when I got the box.
Well on Monday I will be buying a T5 4x4, some new fans, and a new grow tent to begin a perpetual grow. Going Indica this time. Out of all my grows, I have never grown Indicas before so this should be fun.
I know you have pics from the your grow phase on that other forum. Do you have them uploaded to the photo gallery here? I've been using yours as a guideline for what the SLH should look like.
Power - I do not have them loaded here on the gallery. There is so many pictures, I would be here for months trying to down size them. If you want, message me and I will send them via email.

Oh and Clark - I did make a mistake on the days of flower. Currently I am at day 77 total and day 42 of flower. Was way off!! 13 days off! Thanks for the heads up!
I didn't journal it here. I have it some where else, so didnt want to journal at the end of this grow. I will be starting an Indica grow in 2 weeks. I will journal that for sure.
No, I show according to what I wrote down it shows that this Thursday will be week 7 of flowering. I have been checking Trichomes every other day and right now there are way way too many with no heads, and the others look like a dense fog has setteled in them. Just starting to get a little orange around the bud. I did take a small popcorn bud and day before yesterday just to get a real good look in and around the bud and they are too ripe yet...I wait patiently with my Alaskan Ice!!
I have to agree with you my Brother Roseman!! I am so ready for the weekend. Well I smoked the bud that I had hanging. Perfect amount of moisture. I have to say, that I am not really sure what to say. There is no words to describe that high. It was unreal. Unbelievable. Tasted like pure citrus with a flower type of taste. What I ground up and smoked was not even close to being ready, just wanted to see what happened. I have no idea what will happen when this grow is complete. All I know is I studied for 4 hours straight for work and it was no problem at all!!
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