Lost and need help!

ok so you know a water of 100 ppm is to high anything under 50 is a good starting water to use , lower is always better , like I said less is more for plants , that city water has 105 ppm`s of who knows what , you can always change the ph of the water but you can't take out what's actually in it ,could be full of lead , copper etc .city water has things like chloramine and chlorine in it and these can kill a plant real quick ,the city adds these to the water to control the bacteria growth .
what are the ppm`s of the plain water you are using ? to start with before adding the nutes .this will determine how much nutes you need to add to get to a specific total number of ppms , eg if the water is 50 ppm to start then you only need to add 250 ppm of nutes to get to the total of 300 ppm .this is why I like distilled water as I know it has zero ppm`s to start with .
Would the high ppm cause this also ? Leaves looking like these is spreading then the plant goes yellow shortly after.


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ok so you know a water of 100 ppm is to high anything under 50 is a good starting water to use , lower is always better , like I said less is more for plants , that city water has 105 ppm`s of who knows what , you can always change the ph of the water but you can't take out what's actually in it ,could be full of lead , copper etc .city water has things like chloramine and chlorine in it and these can kill a plant real quick ,the city adds these to the water to control the bacteria growth .
Remo said I can use the water from the mini split ac and dehumidifier for the resi. I’ll ppm the water tonight
I want to thank you for spending the time to try and help me out with this. It’s so frustrating as I decided to grow my own medicine to help save money in the long run end be able to grow what I want and need. So far I have so much money into this (big bank loan ) and after 3.5 months I’m not even excited anymore and worrying a lot. Spend over $10k making the perfect micro grow rooms and this is making me mental.
yes , notice how the tips of the leaves are burnt and curled up , this is nute burn (too much nutrients and the random dark spots are from a lack of cal mag ).1 or 2 of the nutrients are to high so it is blocking the calmag from being absorbed by the plant. these are the signs from the plant that you have 2 different problems going on here , too much nutes and not enough calmag , I suspect it is a nitrogen over dose blocking the Cal mag out
Well I know how you feel as I was there 3 1/2 years ago (Ps my wife would KILL me if she knew how much I spent ).I have learnt that a $60 dollar bottle of nutes is no better than a $25 bottle of nutes , General hydroponics makes a good line of nutes (NASA uses them ) and half the price of REMO .Believe me it gets better as your knowledge increases your stress level decreases , you won't regret the money you spent later , you have the equipment now it's time for the knowledge .
Are you using a ph meter and ppm meter (pen ) or how are you getting your reading on these 2 numbers ,these are the 2 most valuable pieces of equipment you can have and be sure to calibrate them monthly in a calibration solution .
Are you using a ph meter and ppm meter (pen ) or how are you getting your reading on these 2 numbers ,these are the 2 most valuable pieces of equipment you can have and be sure to calibrate them monthly in a calibration solution .
Yes I gave both ppm and ph pens. Not the cheap ones either I believe there were like $150 each and think they are blue lab but I will check tonight to confirm.
good thing , don't cheap out on these 2 items as the numbers need to be accurate, you can let the ppm`s fluctuate a little bit but not the ph it has to be 5.8 and let the coco do the swing thing for you .
It is hard to fix a problem with plants that are that far into flower but it can be done , it is better to have a problem in veg so that when you get to flower all is good in order to get a good yield , how many plants do you have growing in flower? Plus it is never a good idea to be running that many different strains on the same watering system as every different plant likes a different amount of nutes -eg sativa plant don't like the same things as indica plants and auto flower plant don't like what indicas or sativa plant - due to the shorter grow period .just like humans we all like a different thing , my wife loves liver and onions , I hate the shit .if you want to grow that many strains at the same time it is a lot better to hand feed and see what each plant tells you about the feed you are giving them , yes they are a weed but they all have different requirements , I think the auto pot system is great if you are using clones all from the same mother as it keeps it simple as you know what the plants liked from the 1st grow , plus I would get used to 1 breed of plant before you move on to another breed of plant as they are all a little different., this is where experience comes in to play .
It is hard to fix a problem with plants that are that far into flower but it can be done , it is better to have a problem in veg so that when you get to flower all is good in order to get a good yield , how many plants do you have growing in flower? Plus it is never a good idea to be running that many different strains on the same watering system as every different plant likes a different amount of nutes -eg sativa plant don't like the same things as indica plants and auto flower plant don't like what indicas or sativa plant - due to the shorter grow period .just like humans we all like a different thing , my wife loves liver and onions , I hate the shit .if you want to grow that many strains at the same time it is a lot better to hand feed and see what each plant tells you about the feed you are giving them , yes they are a weed but they all have different requirements , I think the auto pot system is great if you are using clones all from the same mother as it keeps it simple as you know what the plants liked from the 1st grow , plus I would get used to 1 breed of plant before you move on to another breed of plant as they are all a little different., this is where experience comes in to play .
I have 8 plants on a 20gal resi on one side of the room that have been in flower for 41 days and 8 plants on the other side of the room on a separate autopot system that are 31 days in flower. I’m the future I will run 1 strain per autopot system. I have 3 of the same strains on the 40 day side and is doing well and others not so good. None of the plants in the flower room are autoglower
I have 8 plants on a 20gal resi on one side of the room that have been in flower for 41 days and 8 plants on the other side of the room on a separate autopot system that are 31 days in flower. I’m the future I will run 1 strain per autopot system. I have 3 of the same strains on the 40 day side and is doing well and others not so good. None of the plants in the flower room are autoglower
The ones that are at 31 days are in the worst shape. Only have 2 real nice healthy ones out of the 8. Remo nutrients is convinced it’s a fungus or something but how do you tell?
If it's fungal, I've heard milk water can help. Also, when mixing nutes what order are you adding them in? CalMag should always be first then bases, then additives.
I’ve never paid attention to what order and didn’t know I should add In a specific order. I just grab the bottles and go
I’ve never paid attention to what order and didn’t know I should add In a specific order. I just grab the bottles and go

I see. I'm actually starting my first grow, so I'm no expert. However, quite a handful of things I've read or watched make reference to adding nutes in that order when mixing to prevent a lockout. Try mixing nutes in that order, along with the lower ppm that's already been discussed. Hopefully that'll help turn things around for you!
This is the order the nutes must be added in ,you may not need all these nutes but here is the order , silicon 1st, then calmag, then the micro, then the grow, then the bloom , be sure to stir the rez real good between adding each one of these nutes .I only give the silicon once in veg state as a little boost .
Typical nute manufacturer grabbing at straws - it isn't fungal or it would be the whole plant and every plant as they all drink from the same rez and you have 2 plants that are doing really well all drinking the same water and in the same grow room , doesn't make sense , even when you have bugs they don't target one plant only , they target every plant in the same grow room and the damage is a lot more sporadic on the plant say 1 or 2 leaves on 1 side of the plant , nute problems target the whole plant usually and all the plants being fed with the same water .
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