Please help


420 Member
Trying to figure out what all this is, im coming to the end of week 3 of flower, using pro mix herb and vegetable (I know, slow release ferts, rookie move) with Remo nutrients, but have only been doing 1/4-1/2 strength here and there because I’m too worried to cause a toxicity because of the slow release on the promix. Water every 4-6 days, PH 6.2-6.4, also running two 240 w kingbrite quantum boards at about 75% power. I’ve done some research and have a feeling it’s leaf septoria, but honestly don’t know, would love if anyone has any tips or answers. Thank you to the wonderful people here :)


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It does look like leaf septoria. I would reccomend buying a small bottle of Garden Friendly Fungicide and spray them down every 5 days for the next 3 weeks. Also keep your humidity under 55% and get as much airflow in there as you can. Leaf septoria doesn't affect the flowers, just the leaves, but that can really damage your yield. It also appears after the first week or 2 of flowering so that makes sense. You still have time to get it in check and not let it affect yields too much.
It does look like leaf septoria. I would reccomend buying a small bottle of Garden Friendly Fungicide and spray them down every 5 days for the next 3 weeks. Also keep your humidity under 55% and get as much airflow in there as you can. Leaf septoria doesn't affect the flowers, just the leaves, but that can really damage your yield. It also appears after the first week or 2 of flowering so that makes sense. You still have time to get it in check and not let it affect yields too much.
This makes me feel a whole lot better, I will be buying a bottle today and get started right away ! Thank you so much for your input. It’s greatly appreciated
I use Garden Friendly Fungicide because its concentrated and cheap but I've only found it online. If you get it make sure to dilute to their recommendations. You can buy similar products from your local hydro store if you want to use immediately, just not as cost-efficient. You can also make potassium bicarbonate as a natural fungicide, and alot of people do, but the beneficial bacteria is stronger imo.
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