Lots of weed plants found...



Hey. Question. So, along a nice backroad and nestled down in the ditch grows at least 10 six-foot tall marijuana plants. I brought a branch home (pics are coming) just to look at it. It has seeds all over the thing..in little ball-sac sorta things. (I'm a new grower so all this is relatively new)

The seeds are pretty dark, some a little green on the tips. Do seeds need to be 'aged' before they can be useful? What would you guys do in this situation? If all plants are pollinated already, then the only thing I would get is a life supply of free seeds. The leaves are extra thin looking (Sativa?)
I'll show ya a couple pics as soon as they get approved.

Thanks. Chow.
Mature seed useally have tiger stripes or spots on them. Not all have this but most. If the seed is all white or really light green its immature and wont gorw
Good eye for spotting the plants. 6 feet tall? Budding yet? Are these yours or are these going to be yours? Can't wait to see the pics.
Hey, thanks Spliff. I'll be checkin the seeds a little bit closer.

Hey Bluemode. I wasn't able to really get up close and personal with them all just yet do to a car that was oncoming..lol. Oh, and they are mine if I want them to be mine. :) Anyone want some seeds..lol. I'll have hundreds.

Oh, another question occured. When the female does get pollinated and develops seeds, is she still good to smoke? That might be a dumb question. lol. But, alot of the weed I've smoked from friends has seeds in it. So, I take it that the grower just let the female get pollinated and harvested it?
Ya it should be good to smoke not the best though unless....in illinois we have what is called ditch weed it grows all over looks reallly good all purple so if it isnt someone else's plants it might not get you high...I learned the hard way in highschool when me and a buddy found 7 8 foot tall plants and took em home and we smoked a ton and nothin
lol..13 ounces. Man! Way to go on that find bro.

Yea, I wonder if thats what this is. Ditch Weed. Its not purple at all though. As soon as these pics get approved..

Are there any distinct differences between ditch weed and 'good' weed? I bet thats what this is...but we'll see. It's a pretty funny sight. Right off a pretty busy Iowa highway, tons of these 6 foot plants just exist...practically waving as you drive by. So yea, whats the scoop with this dish weed stuff? It sounds like a cannabis plant wanna-be.
If you find some plants and take them, that's stealing.
Unless it wild hemp (useless, won't get you high), someone planted them and nutured them and you come along and steal them.
Rippers are the lowest of the low. What if it was a med-MJ patients medicine you stole?
I have nothing but contempt for pot thieves.
well depends if its your property or not...when i lived in the country someone planted weed on our property back were we hunted...we took that $h!t...we put up our game camera aimed where the plants were and it was some kid we have never seen...very good stuff and was where i got my seeds that i used for future grows...But ya if you aren't growing on your own property or have permission they deserve to get stolen...I guess its not stealing then
Believe me, if I thought these were somebody's...I wouldn't touch them. I'm not even planning on taking all these; more curious than anything.
If they are off the side of a busy highway then I say good find. If you dont take them when they are ripe then the cops eventually will. Or they willl just die off and why let that go to waste. I could see is there were more than just these plants like allot more than I would be hesitant but man six plants. Call yourself lucky like winning on a small scratch off lottery ticket go home smoke and be merry.
ditch weed or hemp can be used to make clothes, beauty products, shoes, wallets, hats, bags, paper, oil for cooking, coffee, lip balm, among many other things...but it doesnt get u high gives u a real bad headache
I'm appalled by the altered state of reality--or maybe it's just thieving mentality--that some people display. To think that anything they might see automatically belongs to them.

I grew weed in ther Nat'l Forest for decades, because I love the out-of-doors and I had no place to grow it in the city. And I got ripped off a lot, by people with your mind set.
If you take stuff that don't belong to you, that's stealing.
Tended plants aren't abandoned. It you want to harvest plants in the woods or off the side of the road, plant some seeds yourself what are you crippled? I bet you're the kind of people who would steal some hungry persons food stamps or a homeless persons sleeping bag if they left it unattended for a few moments.

Don't you realize that marijuana to many people is medicine? Medicine that they cannot afford otherwise and depend on what they can grow to ease their suffering? Would you care if someone with glaucoma went blind because you stole weed it took them months to grow?

Four months ago I got a call from a disabled person I know. He's wheelchair bound and can't grow and his previous caretaker moved and he asked me to help him out.
I already have my legal limit on my ownprop., so I bought some planters, soil & clones and planted them in the woods on land that is private prop. but where no one lives or has ever lived.
And they got stolen last month.
My friend suffers from pain from operations. What he gets from the Dr. turns him into a zombie; only marijuana allows him to lead a somewhat normal life.
And because someone stole the plants I was growing for him, he will now have to eat less food and cancel this years Thanksgiving trip back east to see his family, because someone stole his medicine and he'll have to buy it.

You may think if you find weed in the country that it automatically belongs to you. That put you in the same boat as burglers who believe everything in your house belongs to them, or muggers who believe they are the rightfull owner of everything in your pockets.

When you take stuff that ain't yours, kharma will see to it that sooner ar later people will take your stuff.

many pot gardens are guarded. Waltz into one and start chopping down plants and you could end up with a ass full of buckshot, and it wouldn't bother me one bit. Maybe that's what you need before you realize that it's wrong to take stuff that don't belong to you.
I realize it is medicine to some but if i find plants on my land i am takin them bottom line... the kid on my dad's land is lucky he didnt get an ass full of buckshot ..If its on public property better make sure its a good spot not on the side of the road. Could be seeds someone threw out i would take every last one...I dont know how it makes you a theif if its on public property it belongs to everyone...so you better make sure you hide them good. I would consider a theif going on private property or in someone's house and takin their plants. ""you're the kind of people who would steal some hungry persons food stamps or a homeless persons sleeping bag if they left it unattended for a few moments."" find a plant on public property and steal someones sleepin bag or food stamps is the same thing? i dont think so...But hey thats just one man's point of veiw
"find a plant on public property and steal someones sleepin bag or food stamps is the same thing?" It most certainly IS the same thing. If a homeless person is sleeping at a park or woods (public property) and is in the bushes taking a leak you think you have the right to steal his sleeping bag, the only home he's got?
When you go camping in the Nat'l Forest do you feel it's ok to steal other people's tent's and lanterns, etc., while they're out hiking?
If someone's social security check is misdelivered to your house to you feel you have a right to cash it and spend the money while the rightful recepient goes hungry and maybe gets evicted?

There is such a thing as right and wrong. It's WRONG to take stuff that doesn't belong to you.

If you want to harvest forest-grown pot, plant it yourself and hope someone like you doesn't find them.
What i am sayin is a plant in the woods or country occurs naturally so who knows if it is someone meds, seeds thrown out, or something natural...""a sleepin bag or campin stuff"" you know that all of that stuff belongs to someone so there is a difference and yes it is wrong to steal... i didnt realize that...i never pay for nothin i steal everything especially your plants i try to fly out to cali as much as possible ....wern't those plants he found on the side of the road? Thats a smart place for your meds.
I understand your point Ranger, but this stuff he found sounds completely untended being completely full of seeds. I doubt it would be someones garden right on the side of the freeway. I'm guessing it's probably ditchweed hemp, but suppose it could be from seeds tossed out the window.

I'm going to agree with bombtrak about the personal property one though. If someone puts plants on my personal property then they are tresspassing and would be lucky to only get their plants taken. Public property, then I'm with you, if they aren't yours then leave them the fuck alone, anything else is stealing.
RangerDanger said:
I'm appalled by the altered state of reality--or maybe it's just thieving mentality--that some people display. To think that anything they might see automatically belongs to them.

I grew weed in ther Nat'l Forest for decades, because I love the out-of-doors and I had no place to grow it in the city. And I got ripped off a lot, by people with your mind set.
If you take stuff that don't belong to you, that's stealing.
Tended plants aren't abandoned. It you want to harvest plants in the woods or off the side of the road, plant some seeds yourself what are you crippled? I bet you're the kind of people who would steal some hungry persons food stamps or a homeless persons sleeping bag if they left it unattended for a few moments.

Don't you realize that marijuana to many people is medicine? Medicine that they cannot afford otherwise and depend on what they can grow to ease their suffering? Would you care if someone with glaucoma went blind because you stole weed it took them months to grow?

Four months ago I got a call from a disabled person I know. He's wheelchair bound and can't grow and his previous caretaker moved and he asked me to help him out.
I already have my legal limit on my ownprop., so I bought some planters, soil & clones and planted them in the woods on land that is private prop. but where no one lives or has ever lived.
And they got stolen last month.
My friend suffers from pain from operations. What he gets from the Dr. turns him into a zombie; only marijuana allows him to lead a somewhat normal life.
And because someone stole the plants I was growing for him, he will now have to eat less food and cancel this years Thanksgiving trip back east to see his family, because someone stole his medicine and he'll have to buy it.

You may think if you find weed in the country that it automatically belongs to you. That put you in the same boat as burglers who believe everything in your house belongs to them, or muggers who believe they are the rightfull owner of everything in your pockets.

When you take stuff that ain't yours, kharma will see to it that sooner ar later people will take your stuff.

many pot gardens are guarded. Waltz into one and start chopping down plants and you could end up with a ass full of buckshot, and it wouldn't bother me one bit. Maybe that's what you need before you realize that it's wrong to take stuff that don't belong to you.

Was all that directed towards me?
Believe me, noone is attending to these plants! lol. If you could only see where they are located. It would be classified as the dumbest, most inconvienant spot to grow weed in a state where mj is still illegal. It was a friend who then told me that a spot close by was marked off by the cops and all the big buds were taken (a few years back) I agree with you Ranger...I understand your passion towards that topic.

Heres some pics of it.


Okay, guys chill down. How about this compromise.... How about snipping a couple of seeded buds off of one or two of the plants. (NOT The Cola's that would suck if it was someone's stuff) Enough to get like 50 or so seeds. Then, grow out a couple of em, and make a bunch more seeds you can toss out your window in the same place next year.

Best of both worlds! Just a thought....
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