Low humidity - Fan too fast


New Member
So I'm helping my friend with her first grow, and since I'm a virgin at this too, it's kind of like the blind leading the blind. But I read and research a lot so hopefully we can get something to harvest before we kill everything.

Anyway, she has a grow tent, ( I think it's 4.5' x 4.5' x 7'), with a 1000w HPS, big ass reflector, ( I think it is something like a 6" XXXL Dominator), and a great new Galaxy select a watt 1000/600/400 ballast, set at 600 right now. Ventilation/cooling is a Phresh 6"x24" 550CFM filter connected to one side of the reflector/hood, with the other side of the hood connected to the Hurricane 6" 435CFM fan, drawing the air through the reflector, and out of the tent. It sucks the sides in pretty good on the tent.

Presently using a Ebb n Flo bucket system, with only 5 buckets connected. Have 3 White Widow and 2 ATF plants in veg. Problem is we can never get the humidity to get above 50-55rh. Put extra buckets of water in the tent; tried misting the plants (although they didn't look like they really needed it); even got a small humidifier and put it in there and it didn't help much.

My thoughts are that she has too much fan for the size of the area and it's exchanging the air in the tent too fast, sucking all the moisture in the tent out as well. I got her a fan speed control and have just hooked it up, but I wanted to check with you pros and see if I'm on the right track here.

I beleive I read that you should exchange the air in an area every 5 minutes. If that's the case, she has way too much fan for the area. Figure she has less than 200cf of air in that tent, means you'd only be moving 40cfm to exchange it all in 5 minutes. 40cfm versus a 435cfm fan??? Too much fan, I think. I think she needs to slow the fan speed way down. What do you guys think?

Help and advise is greatly appreciated.
Re: Low humidity. Fan too fast

RH of 50% is pretty good for both vegging 'n' flowering :thumb:

Ideally clones/seedling like high humidity from 70% to 90%.

In veg 50% to 65% is pretty good.

Flowering 40% to 60% is also pretty fine... some believe lower RH in flowering increases resin production ! unfortunaly i don't have a science lab aviable to prove this theory ?

The only real danger of RH is when it goes above 80% as this will induce a play ground for fungal problems such as powdery mildew & bud rot over a prolonged period of time...

Its best to keep the extraction/exhaust fan running 24/7 as humidity spikes do occur whilst lights are off !
Re: Low humidity. Fan too fast

What Fuzy said. They will drink a little more with low humidity, not a big deal really. I would rather have low than high.
Hey xD i get my humidity up to 60 % in my grow tent just by hanging wet moist towels (4-5) in the same room as the grow tent. ambient humidity is 20% so it helps alot for me. So if she s having exhaust fan blowing air out of the room where the tent is, its a cheap way to get humidity up!
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