M0nkeysMedPotPics - "Lavender"


New Member
Just got back from the store. This bud is UNBELEIVABLE. It smells like cotton candy, and tastes like one of those large round suckers you'd get at an amusement park. SO TASTY.....SO STICKY.....SO POTENT. ENjoy the pictures....I know they are large in size, but it's worth the wait.

Here's an ounce of Lavender with my lucky California State Quarter for size refrence:


Here it is all spread out and beautiful:


Here's a closeup. I love my weed and I love my state! LONG LIVE CALIFORNIA!!!


Here's a closeup. Notive the INSANE amount of icky sticky crystals:


Here's some of the fatter buds:


The rest are all various closeups. I am learning to use my camera:





They had a LARGE selection of hash, and even had my FAVORITE, Train Wreck Keif (rare), but alas, all I could afford was what you see, and I still have so much left over hash, I really aught to smoke that out. Hope you enjoyed the pics.
wow those look amazing pm, nice score

i need to move to cali immediatly
PM those are some delicious looking buds!!! very nice and shiny buds with some purple in there as well :headbanger:
how much did the lavender run you?

this thread just reminded me i havent really smoked since april 20th... and when did the california quarter come out?? i missed it!
I bought that ounce for 440 bucks. That was some of their most expensive medicine, there was pletny for 400 and cheaper. I just happen to like (and can afford) the best. Only half of that is actualy mine; another pateint and I split it into halves It lowers the cost significantly as opposed to buying indivdual halves, which would run us 300 a piece. That is some top notch medical grade chronic....but nothing to what will, in a few months, be coming from outdoor, sprinftime growers....I CANT WAIT...I LOVE OUTDOOR GROWN MEDICINE...good, outdoor will knock your socks off.
> THC < said:
how easy is it to get med. mari. if you'r not actually ill.

Dude, are you serious? Isn't the answer to your question obvious enough? If you can't provide proof that marijuana would be a medicine that you NEED, then you won't be able to get it.
Mr Shibbiz hit the nail on the head. I have a degenerative cornea disease and suffer chronic pain and nausea. Numerous doctors have recomended the use of medical marijuana to ease my pain. Any time light gets into my eyes (And think, for a moment, what places a a person can go to that has no lights in it) I get weak, feel pain, get a headache, and feel sick to my stomach. AMong other things, I am blind without my 1,300 dollar a PIECE custom designed and custom fitted contacts, and even with htem on, I have about 70% vision with 50% clarity during the day, and 30% vision and 3% clarity at night. I must wear custom designed glasses that cover both of my eyes completely, at all times unless im in low light conditions. They fit around my face with amgnets, and look almost like frog goggles. I used to be very self concious about it, and people still stare when i walk around the supermarket at night, wearing dark, polarized, custom sung goggles, but I've giotten sued to it ove the years. Having a diseased cornea that cant filter out the light (thus causing my pupils to remain dialted at all times, which mkaes matters worse) wreaks havok on your well being, sanity, and health. I dont think i would be able to live a normal life if I didnt have the medicinal benefits of medical marijuana to ease the pain and sickness I feel after a long day of work, and a long day of having light infiltrate my eyes. I dont know how someone who doesnt have a legitimate use for medical marijauna, which uidner california law is basicaly anyone who suffers from chronic pain...whether thats an old sports injury, bad menstrul cycles, aids, acncer, back injuries, ADD, ADHD, psychological disorders (IE: Depression, alcoholism, etc), acquired brain injury, and any "chronic" suffering, pain, or nausea that marijuana can ease the symptoms and help you live a normal life.
Oh, and do me a favor, can you edit your post and earse MY post thats quoted? No need to make my huge ass pictures come up twice ;-)
BluntMan said:
i need to move to cali immediatly

any cali residents willing to offer a room for a college student.... I need to get over there like now
Thepurplem0nkey said:
Oh, and do me a favor, can you edit your post and earse MY post thats quoted? No need to make my huge ass pictures come up twice ;-)


PM, that green is lookin amazing, I too must move to Cali!:laughtwo:
Lavender is 1 of my fav. dank ass treezies! in S.F. its was 400-420 but i would pay that any day! by the way which club did u get it from monkey?
I got it from THC HEalers in Van Nuys, its the only store I go to now. They took my doctors note and called my doctor before ever letting me in. I am required to have my doctors note on me at all times when in the club. That tells me they respect the rule of law and I dont have to worry about shady dealings. GOod club, good procuts. ANd the ladies that work the front desk are smoking hot ;-)
the bud looks amazing bro.
Yo PM, looks like some real nice buds man.
By the way(sorry to hijack this thread a little),I have become more and more interested in the idea of moving to California. I was wondering if anyone could actually recommend places to live, I would really like to live somewhere very chill and friendly, and also kind of developed, I just don't want to live out in the sticks or anything, I'm from PA so i've grown to hate it so.
so r u allowed to smoke it there at these clubs?
Well, not the one I go to, although almost every single one I went to in San Francisco I COULD smoke in. Also, new zoning rules were finaly adopted by the city to allow smoking on tjhe premises as long as an air filtration system is installed, so we may be seeing some of that pretty soon in the LA Area.
If I could recomend a plae to live in Cali, based on chill factor and weed tolerance, Id definately have to recomend the Bay Area, or anywhere near or part of San Francisco. I love LA, but the SF area is yersa ahead of our med pot scene, and very friendly.
NIIIIIICE Damn that pic looks good enough to print and eat.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
Well, not the one I go to, although almost every single one I went to in San Francisco I COULD smoke in. Also, new zoning rules were finaly adopted by the city to allow smoking on tjhe premises as long as an air filtration system is installed, so we may be seeing some of that pretty soon in the LA Area.
If I could recomend a plae to live in Cali, based on chill factor and weed tolerance, Id definately have to recomend the Bay Area, or anywhere near or part of San Francisco. I love LA, but the SF area is yersa ahead of our med pot scene, and very friendly.

Mr. PM nailed it on the dot! I love the Med scene around SF. does anyone know what the chico scene is like? i am kind of nervous leaving my wonderful bay area and all the security that comes with it.
i have a friend in chico with a med card and i know that he gets great weed up there in the clubs. Definetely not like the SF med scene but theres still stuff up there.You going to Chico State?Anywhere around there will be easy to get some good dank.
I read that you can get medical marijuana for chronic problems, such as old sports injuries. I hurt my shoulder and elbow playing baseball, could that possibly qualify??? ..... I'm thinkin it's a stretch :smokin3: :peace:
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