Mariguana Grow: 1st 420 Journal

Hi all,
Apologies for the absence. A lot of life changes going on. Moving beginning of May to a high end apartment so have to think about how to handle growing and vaping in a first floor full of uptight snobby people. I have medical certification and it’s recreationally legal here in Maine. However, I don’t know if the lease will ban/forbid anything like that yet until closer to the move date (new building under construction) so until then idk but I’m sure I’ll figure out. I used a small IQ vape from DaVinci with someone who doesn’t use MJ. She was gone for 20 minutes or so and didn’t notice any odor whatsoever. Debating on how to proceed.
May - a new indoor bubbleponics grow and a new summer giant! More details to come in the next few weeks. Happy Growing everyone.
Getting a stealth grow going soon to get some strong young plants ready and aiming for a greenhouse summer to redo some of the magic we saw last year. I hope to see some of you throughout the grow.
Hi All,

Going to be using the pictured tote using reflective sources and approximately 23 watts of electricity consisting of two Small 2.5watt non oscillating fans and two 9 watt bulbs. 1 = 5000k daylight bulb and 1 = 2700k watt bulbs both running at the same time to diversify my spectrum for maximum spectrum benefit allowed based on the size and scope of grow and method. I may use training to grow a small full bodied plant or starting several babies growing them at a family members house in a greenhouse once again. The pictures are of an incomplete setup and I’m just getting started the setup as my lights don’t come in until Saturday. Any ideas, thoughts or opinions would be great to hear.ill be growing organic In a coco-perlite mix with natural/organic plant food. I’ll be using clonex rooting hormone and maybe some
mycorrhizae. Strong roots for whatever way I go on this will be key given the state of the medium.


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2 big bud seeds started germinating yesterday. Today, once they open I’ll be moving to rockwool and continue working on assembly of my stealth container as lamps won’t be in until tomorrow. I’m using strains that aren’t the ones I’m eager to do so I can tune and tweak my setup accordingly before I use other seeds that are harder to get and more precious (Raimbow Jones, Purple Strawberry Bliss, etc.) I’ll post more later today w/ pics.
Moving fairly quickly in rockwool. After the get some errands done I intend to finish the setup and prepare for light installation (assuming post office delivers it on-time)

i haven’t yet decided on how the lighting system will be established though I have several concepts in mind. Will need to cut a hole for power cables as well. The goal is maximum stealth.


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As promised. Here are the pics. I’m using 23.5w of electricity for this micro grow so nobody will no the difference between that or a laptop or even a cell phone charger for the most part. I have some touching up/“polishing” to do but the concept is being executed the way I envision and it’s functional. The goal now is to set a timer for night to morning that will evade any possible inspections and all suspicion. I’ll post more pictures as the concept becomes more finalized.
to further enhance my stealthiness I will be using coco-coir instead of raw soil to minimize any odors due to medium. Once the rockwool has supported the plant long enough is when it will be put in the new medium in a 1 gallon smart pot brand fabric pot.

the lights are mixed spectrum 5000k daylight and 2700k red. I’ll be using PH strips to monitor my numbers. It’s going to be a small but science based approach to growing.
Able to save 2.5w by reconfiguration and not using a second fan so rather then the previously stated 23 watts I’ll be using 21.5 watts. As plant grows it’s possible I could use some kind of string light to go around the walls of the inside of the container and possibly run on battery to maximize total light without further use of my electricity and continued practice of stealth.
I was initially considering using a simple 1 gallon smart pot however, given the need to maximize my root space and height in such a small area it may prove beneficial to maximize my width by filling a larger pots base and allow the plants roots to grow horizontally however, then becomes the issue of being able to train and mitigate the plants height as tie downs become more complicated and the opportunity potentially to become near impossible
after much deliberation I went with the 1 gallon fabric pots and converted my 2700k bulb to 5000k so running two of those now. As I mentioned before it’s all about tuning and tweaking at this point. I added some reflective patches to holes that were bigger then I actually needed to minimize light leaks, etc.
The experiment has officially started as the plant has emerged from the seed entirely. The strain is “Big Bud” a freebie from Seedsman. I submerged seeds for about 18 hours when the seeds finally popped. I then moved them to a piece of 20 minute soaked rockwool where it was then placed on a seedling mat and a thin plastic container over it to maintain heat and humidity. The seed headed sprout emerged in less than a day. Now, it’s sitting in a small tote with two 5000k 9w bulbs A small 2.5 watt fan on the outside to circulate air. My lights go from 5pm to 11am. In addition to stealth and ease of hiding if necessary during daytime hours, the overall temps will be cooler during the summer season. When I initially soaked my coco I added a 1/2 teaspoon to a gallon of water shook aggressively to ensure good mixing and bonding. After drenching the coco I added perlite and organic recycled plant waste food for herbs and leafy vegetables (not miracle grow) in a 1tsp worth throughout to compensate for any deficiencies that come throughout. I have to work in secret so I can’t go stocking up on every nutrient in the book and I can’t use organic fertilizers either as it will get attention by odor. Tonight when lights turn back on I’ll check watering status and consider adding coco to cover the base stem however, given the limited factor we are working with it’s smart to allow the stem to soak up what it can when it can since it will be important to bend and flex once it becomes stable.
Covered stem with coco finally. Lower portion of coco is still a bit damp so going to let dry out a little bit more. Will probably water tomorrow morning before lights out. Once the plant develops some girth I’ll begin the training and manipulation process. I’ll have to wait and see how development progress before I determine whether or not some variation of string lights are a reasonable addition to this setup. The overall goal is as few resources as possible and to see what extent I can take those minimal resources. Stay tuned my friends :ciao:
Added coco to cover additional plant stem and cal-mag supplemented water as coco was a more preferred dry. Had to remove my base foil tray as it was giving off much more light through vents and small holes for cords and cables, etc. the temps reduced by about 2 degrees because of that but maintains the stealth. Something that is a pain to deal with but certainly a skill that should be mastered. I’ll likely do a light spray the surface of the coco later tonight with plain water.

New pics. Haven’t watered since Thursday evening but have continually misted the top of the coco largely for general humidity purposes. I plan to check depth of medium for wetness and moisture and evaluate what more might be needed. Of course as the plant gets larger I’ll be giving it more feedings but until that happens I have to be super careful and not achieve that rotten egg smell that comes from over watered coco.

Probably going to end up moving this little girl over to a relatives behind the house. My manager and a member of the investment co. I could hear him asking what the TOMATO PLANTS were in solo cups on the patio. Those people are so worried about weed it’s laughable. I’ll modify another super micro grow once I move this one (which I will still update) you
Guys on and run a much smaller much more secretive grow. I definitely won’t be staying past my firstyear lease. Prob get a house so this is never a problem again.
Quick update:
of the 5 purple strawberry bliss seeds only 2 have sprouted. I’ll be adding two more bulbs to tote for growing. Unfortunate I only got two, was really looking forward to this endeavor, however, I’m almost entirely ready to clone. I’m going to aim for tops and foliar sprays I’m considering. Have to make the most of my itty bitty space given the rules of where I live and the dangers of being outside. Unfortunately, the location where I’ve previously grown giants is no longer an option. So here, I am, this is what I’m working with and will aim for the very best. Considering a mixed spectrum 2700k 2 (9W bulbs) and 2 5000k bulbs (9W bulbs) our electricity use is monitored according to our lease so have to be careful to not use any large amounts of electricity. As they grow and takeover these pucks. They will be moved to 5 gallon fabric pots that have been cut in half to reduce head space and allow plant to branch out around the tote and get maximum light. I will consider putting the Mylar on the floor of the tote as well to enhance reflectivity.
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