2nd Grow: 1st Real Journal

Well done, smokes. They looked good at the end :thumb:
Thanks DD,the CDCxS has the biggest nugz and absolutly stinks haha.
BBK has resin droplets all over.
GWK was disapointing in the end but it was looking that way anyway.
Some pictures to follow later totoday so i can show you all the outcome of my snip/wash.
Thanks again
Hello everybody,hope you are all good.

Right then...were to start????

GWK has been in 42H dark,snipped,washed and is now drying on a hanging drying rack.
Current temps/humidity in dry tent is 20c and 49%.
Lemon Juice,Bycarb,plain tap water and Distilled water was used to wash.
The 1st bucket was filthy after use,2nd bucket was dirty but only bits and bobs,3rd bucket was clean.

I'm not going to get weight off of her but i knew that towards the end anyway,ohh well hopefuly her 2 sisters will help her out and tip the scales slightly.

BBK has tons of amber tric's and i think i'm able to snip anyday i want now,was just waiting for CDCxS to build better Amber tric's more than any thing so i'm not tackling 3 with all different stages of wash/dry/cure.
Managed to abate her nutes over the week.
She has had only 2L water today with 0.5ml FlawlessFinish and nothing else,PH5.9 .She will get the same tomorrow then 40ish hours of dark.

CDCxS is just so fat and sooo smelly with a capital S.
She has had the same abate feed this past week as BBK,she will be going blackout the same time aswell.

Here is the last pictures of the BBK and CDCxS before blackout,also some pictures of GWK and things id used to BudWash.

Thank you and i'll be back with how the drying and curing process is coming along.










Congrats my friend. :thumb:
Good work.

Stay safe
Hello everyone,hope you're all well and good.

First off, i'd like to Thank all of you who have helped me out along this journey,i couldn't of done it without your help.

I have got to post each 1 seperate because it will only let me upload 10pictures,hope this is ok.

Right then were to start,,,,,i got soo ingrossed starting the trim and wash on the BBK that i forgot to take pictures of her at the begining.
After taking every large leaf off of her and any small leaves with more than 3fingers,this left just bud and sugar leaves(i think).
She looked lovely and there was nugs with nice little resin toffee balls stuck on them haha,the buds are rock hard aswell.
Here is all the pictures i got of her.

Here's the star of my show haha,prob not much to you but she is my best so far.
CDCxS-The most Stickiest,the most Smelliest and the most weight i think.
The same trim on her was done as on the BBK(take everything except small sugar leaves),i did it this way to get a slightly longer dry time hopefuly.






I think i have got to raise the humidity by around 10 but not 100% sure,
More than 10….. Yes for curing you want the room about 62 to 65 rh. Just a country hick gardener here but everything I’ve read says don’t let the rh of the produce dip below 60….if / when the nuggets reach rh of 58 then the cure process of converting sugars to starches is done.

It’s not going to ruin them right now but yeah you want to bring the room rh up, large pan of water with fan moving air across the surface… some use towel dipped into bucket to wick water and fan moving air. Whatevs I’m sure you will figure it out

Nicely done, looks really frosty man

yup I’d hit that.….
Cheers 013,i just put me little humidifier mister in there and set to 60%(before replying haa),probably wont do bang on but will get it up and i'll just watch it like a hawk when at home or threw wifi.

Can't wait to try them tbh.

P.s i don't know why i didn't look in my book for temps and humidy from last run.

Hello everyone,just thought i'd pop in and update progress of the dry.
Current temps in dry tent are16c and 58%-64%humid,my little humidy wont get it up no more.

Taken a BBK nug yesterday and placed into a grove bag with mini temp/humid sensor, it was reading after a few hours,74%humid,,,soo it's going the way i want it to,5days so far and 10days in total hopefuly.

Thank you
Hello everybody,hope you and your family/friends are all well and good.
Sorry if my writing is not the best or doesn't make sense,i'm a little woozy,,,,tea total normaly haa.

Decided that they were good enough to trim the excess sugar leaves off and bag them for cure.
The GWK(friday)was done 2 days before the BBK (sunday)and CDCxS(sunday).
In total it took 8days to dry,i was aiming for 10minimum.
I took nearly everything off them when i washed them so it was a quite easy trim day,plus i enjoy it anyway.

Here are a couple of nug shots(nothing special-just grabbed out the top off the bag).
+ final weights.Scales have been tared with temp/humidy sensors,bovi packs and grove bag.

P.S- the CDCxS saved me in the end haa
Thank you everyone who's followed/helped me on this journey.
It's been a pleasure as usual.

Next post will be a shot of my little stock for my next run,i was thinking:
1x Purple Nuggets
1x Strawberry Nuggets
1x Forgotten Starwberrys or 3Wok OG,
what do you guys think?..










Hello everybody,just popping in to give a little update.

The Cure is coming along very nicely indeed.

GWK-smells grassy with some tinge to it,not tested yet only smelled.

BBK-burns your nostrils,very peppery/spicey,very very sticky."Not tested yet.

CDCxS-smells abit like stardog with hint of sweetness,very sticky.Tested and tastes rather nice,can taste some sort of stardog taste with a very sweet taste on inhale.
I also got my press out(totally forgot about it) and press a little 1gram nug of the CDCxS to see what happens,i was Realy excited to press something haha.There was quite a bit there when i scrapped it up,i was suprised.

Got a dab rig on route today,hopefuly it will come earlyish so i can test it out before i feel half dead for bed.

Thank you and i'll be back with the final taste outcome of them in a couple of weeks but now i'm pressing who knows what i'll post haa,thanks


Hello everyone,hope you are all well and topped up on the med's.

All 3 grove bags are reading 16.5c and 61.8% humid.
Smell is getting better also,not the GWK thow.
Going to have a try of the BBK in the next few days to see what its all about,will post the taste/effects result in due corse.

I have been squashing quite a dabble lately.
Not to keen on the dab rig at the mo but i've got to get the heating and cooling down part right,i think im burning the banger to much and not letting it cool as much before i put dab in there,i'll get it right sooner or later haa.
Personaly i would rather keep wrapping it around my J's.

I Been looking up Budder as its a bit more stable to play with,it says to whip it and thats all i can find.Do i whip as i collect it or collect it all then in pot and whip vigorously?not sure...
Has anyone ever made it before,if so could you give some directions on making it please.

Here's a couple of pictures and thank you.



Man that bbk is Hela pretty ....nice dank dark colors . And the frost of the other dope as well... Good job can't wait to see them after dark period.
Hello HappyHazemat.
There is some nice toffee balls on BBK aswell mmmm haha,
CDCxS smells the best and most stickiest.
(after dark period ??)
Thank you
Should have finished last page of journal to see everyone harvested lol and the last page GWK went into dark for 42 hours....but congrats on the harvest and dope seed collection.
Haa,that's why i never realy post on anyone's journal because by the time i'm reading it-there are like 5more pages worth and someone has most likely posted what i was going to post haa.
Thanks for taking a look threw thow,apreciate it mate.
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