Medical Reasons?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what some of the reasons may be .... Why do they put you on medical marijuana ??? Who puts you on it ??? Where does the bud come from they give to you ??? Who do you get the bud from ??? And finally what is glacoma ( sp ) ?

Thank you guys alot ... just been wondering this for a long time ..... sorry for asking so many questions .... :grinjoint: :peace:
Re: Medical Reasons ??

California has Pot-Clubs that dispense marijuana to medical patients. I am uncertain if other states have implemented this. A doctor that supports the use of medical marijuana has to diagnose you and then issue the card.

There are many physical and mental conditions that seem to be relieved with the use of marijuana. Some of these are hypertension, nausea within cancer and chemotherapy patients, pain and pressure for glaucoma patients, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have even known people to smoke it to ease nerve damage within the arm.

Plainly put, glaucoma is a buildup of pressure within the eyeball that causes blindness in most cases. Studies have shown that marijuana seems to ease the buildup of this pressure.

I hope this helps to answer question. :Rasta:
Re: Medical Reasons ??

Very well put Freaktan.:smokin:

I myself have my prescription for mood disorders, appetite stimulant and chronic pains.
Re: Medical Reasons ??

Nice to see you again Sptyoty. Thanks for the kind words. :Rasta:
Re: Medical Reasons ??

Freaktan said:
Nice to see you again Sptyoty.

Likewise my friend.:peace:
Re: Medical Reasons ??

I have a degnerative corenal disease in both of my eyes. My cornea is slowly destinegratnig and so light causes extreme pain and nausia to me, plus my visin is severely fucked up and uncorrectable. I use medical marijuana to relieve the pain and nausia from that disease.
Re: Medical Reasons ??

Thanks alot guys .... Any others that are on medical marijunana please post and tell me what for if you wouldnt mind .... Thanks ...
Re: Medical Reasons ??

Insomnia secondary to Depression and Dysthmyia.

I was diagnosed with this when i was 9 or 10 and after a steady slue of conventional medications(Sleeping pills/Anti depressants i.e.: Zopiclone,Celexa,Xanex) over 5 years (Many of which I was using for less than were much more detrimental than anything) I had the revelation that what i was using occasionally as a recreational substance at that point actually had potential to alleviate the stress which were product of my incessant, uncontrollable, and disturbingly pessemistic thoughts. After an abundance of research and experience I realized that Cannabis eradicated my dysthymia and depression by allowing me to methodically sort through my thoughts and come to conclusions which my incessantly pessimistic thoughts previously prevented me from doing.
Most importantly Marijuana allowed me to control my thoughts, as oppose to having them dictate my mood and consequently my life. Also If I find i'm unable to sleep i can just smoke an indica and it'll sedate me enough to permit my passage into slumberland.

Now, by this point(15) I deemed it most economical to be a distributer of high quality cannabis, so i could keep myself in supply for no cost. I was content doing this until I became the legal age(18) to apply for medicinal marijuana user status which I was eventually accepted for after the excruciatingly long time it took me to convince my doctor to write me a diagnosis/ recommendation for medicinal marijuana which she eventually agreed on because it would make all the other medications obsolete.

And after that extremely long and arduous endeavour which i thought would yeild only more suffering and despair, I found marijuana to be a beacon of hope in my otherwise dismal existance.

Essentially, Marijuana allows me to willingly function in society and derive pleasure from things which i was never able to do before due to my perpetual pessimism, but now I feel in control and that my life has balance.

I think that little rant adequately answered your query, non ?
Re: Medical Reasons ??

i broke my wrist about 3 months ago... i had a plate put in with a few screws, the recovery process is basically over and whats happening now is that i will move my hand a certain way and i get this pain and uncomfortableness... me being a mary j smoker put 2 and 2 together and figured out mary jane does some good help. im planning on making a appt. with a special doc to get referred to marijauna here in california. good chances? i hope so!
Re: Medical Reasons ??

not to hijack a thread but how much does medical marijuana usually go for cost wise? And is it the more you buy the cheaper it gets per gram?
Re: Medical Reasons ??

OnionGobbler said:
Insomnia secondary to Depression and Dysthmyia.

I was diagnosed with this when i was 9 or 10 and after a steady slue of conventional medications(Sleeping pills/Anti depressants i.e.: Zopiclone,Celexa,Xanex) over 5 years (Many of which I was using for less than were much more detrimental than anything) I had the revelation that what i was using occasionally as a recreational substance at that point actually had potential to alleviate the stress which were product of my incessant, uncontrollable, and disturbingly pessemistic thoughts. After an abundance of research and experience I realized that Cannabis eradicated my dysthymia and depression by allowing me to methodically sort through my thoughts and come to conclusions which my incessantly pessimistic thoughts previously prevented me from doing.
Most importantly Marijuana allowed me to control my thoughts, as oppose to having them dictate my mood and consequently my life. Also If I find i'm unable to sleep i can just smoke an indica and it'll sedate me enough to permit my passage into slumberland.

Now, by this point(15) I deemed it most economical to be a distributer of high quality cannabis, so i could keep myself in supply for no cost. I was content doing this until I became the legal age(18) to apply for medicinal marijuana user status which I was eventually accepted for after the excruciatingly long time it took me to convince my doctor to write me a diagnosis/ recommendation for medicinal marijuana which she eventually agreed on because it would make all the other medications obsolete.

And after that extremely long and arduous endeavour which i thought would yeild only more suffering and despair, I found marijuana to be a beacon of hope in my otherwise dismal existance.

Essentially, Marijuana allows me to willingly function in society and derive pleasure from things which i was never able to do before due to my perpetual pessimism, but now I feel in control and that my life has balance.

I think that little rant adequately answered your query, non ?

That sounds exactly like me-- except for the fact that I live in a state where MM is not prohibited. I started smoking more when I went to college and found that, like you, I was able to focus my thoughts on school instead of my seemingly depressing existance. I also have chronic insomnia, but due to lack of medical care, I donot get any treatment. I am on three different scripts. A antipsychotic to help me sleep, prozac to keep me level and klonopin for emergencies [when my thoughts get so out of control that I cn barely control myself and I become a risk] But all of these are so detrimental for my health that its ridiculous. For six months now, I was convinced I was developing MS due to all the symptoms and pains I was experienceing. After [by pure luck I got to see a neurologist for free] all of the awful tests and brain scans, they could determine no other cause than side effects from my medicine. I'm sorry, but a medicine that causes you to lose feeling on one side of your body for months and is basically paralyzing you just so you can get sleep isnt helpful at all. I am having terrible migraines everyday now and the back spasms arent as bad, but I am sure it will all return in a matter of time. Which sucks! I have to work full time and go to school full time, I dont have time to be sick from some stupid medication that is supposed to make me feel better. Although I am outraged at the medical system, I am still going into the medical profession- pharmacology to be exact. I figure, why bitch when you can get in the system and change it to the best of your power? ---That, and hopefully one day [soon preferably] I will have enough money to move out of this fascist dictatorship country to a more sensible place. [*New Zealand:cheesygrinsmiley: my love...*]
sorry for the long post... but I just had to get that off my chest.
Re: Medical Reasons ??

.... Why do they put you on medical marijuana ???

Variety of reasons as previously mentioned and also MS which I have.

Who puts you on it ???

Medical Doctors listen to your description of symptoms and give you a "recommendation" to use marijuana. This gets the Drs around the legal shit from the federal gov't.

Where does the bud come from they give to you ???

From local growers. I believe there's a distinct difference between what you'll see in Socal MCDs and Norcal MCDs as far as meds go.

Who do you get the bud from ???

We get the bud from MCDs (Medical Cannabis Dispenceries). There are loads of them. ( I live in the East Bay Area (near SF) and there are 3 MCDs within 20minutes drive.

And finally what is glacoma ( sp ) ?

That's been answered for you.:peace:
Re: Medical Reasons ??

multiple sclerosis
serious injuries
to name a few
Re: Medical Reasons ??

Go to Norml and go make appointment with a mmj physician, You have to have medical proof, you cant just say mmj helps me for this and I want my script now, Im a caregiver right now and caregive for my Farther who went through Cancer(Luckily Survied and has about a 6 inch SCAR below his stomach) After prostate cancer you have trouble holding in your urine and such and causes some pain and distress, It also developed my farther with Insomina in which the doctor prescribed him Medical Marijunna(MMJ) for S/P Prostacomey(SP) and Serve Insomina, Marijunna helps this alot and any marijunna doctor see's that you were on these GOVERNMENT prescribe pills and another doctor that doesnt approve of mmj saids your under this illness then he'll right you a script. And anyone that goes to Cali clubs everyday such as myself would tell you theyre's alot of people just using these clubs as a legal source for great weed at some good prices, Then they middle man it and soon enough theyre dealing it to theyre buddies, Dont do this, Clubs and Doctors have become more legit and know whats up.
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