Mexican Cartels Join DEA in Opposition of U.S. State Marijuana Laws

listen buddy." Sorry gonna have to call bullshit on your comment that your selfish like everyone here about cannabis becoming legal as you wont make a living . Well I for one have never sold weed not even a single joint"
this is one reason you have no idea about my intentions and further more are making judgements that are simply wrong . i personaly dont care because you will be on whatever soapbox you can find till the day you die n i'm fine with that .

if you want hemp legal smart guy fine it wont make cannabis legal. why because you get fuckin high off the 1% cannabis plants that made it illegal anyway. hemp farms couldnt get you high if you smoked the whole thing. you guys can make it personal if you want. but i m not the guy holding picket signs . you can say its because the white man this or the white man that because collored people are smokin it n takein all our white women is the reason for it being illegal in the first place . i'm going to simply laugh at this for old times sake . because i'm sure thats why they wont legalize it now . or maybe because poeple would all be stuck at traffic lights not knowing who has the right of way.

i think yous are missing the whole dea / cartell aspect . you think in the long run your going to buy american ? we fuckin import everything on major scale so go on with your pot shop pipe dreams. i'm no dream crusher .your inability to realize your an addict maybe though. i wouldnt even be on here saying this right now if you crybabies would find something better to do than flag my email . your points your pointing out are as trivial as your quest to get high. your not convincing me weed should be legal with all your bla bla crap that is all nothing that anyone important takes serious.

i will tell you however if you want change get all your little get high buddies together n try to write a letter n activate an organization to reform the marijuana laws so youngsters dont go to prison or become convicted felons before they shit know about shit . lawmakers are in agreement about reform because of the dated laws but you arent that ambitous are you or truthfully you dont even care that much. have the law changed and reformed to less penalties are achievable in the very near future if yous can stop forgetting about one step at a time . i dont think you read reform first legalize later on my post did you . not that i give a fuck.
would you take a hippie on the street singing songs of sillyness seriously if you worked in tha white house . i would be more concerned with terrorists and a functional government than your theories on legal weed.

You asked so I'll tell you.I have spent over 12 years in custody on drug charges.Not one other crime.Just drug charges.I feel no guilt for what I've done because I think drugs are a matter of personal choice.There are a lot of very successful people that use drugs but they will never admit it and you will never know who they are unless they screw up.Drugs have become a gang crime here and it would mean my life to do what I used to do.That's where prohibition has taken the war on drugs here.I am now on major doses of legal opiates due to a spinal injury.I get along just fine.When I used to use far less I was chased,beaten arrested and imprisoned many times.You get the disconnect here?:peace:
You asked so I'll tell you.I have spent over 12 years in custody on drug charges.Not one other crime.Just drug charges.I feel no guilt for what I've done because I think drugs are a matter of personal choice.There are a lot of very successful people that use drugs but they will never admit it and you will never know who they are unless they screw up.Drugs have become a gang crime here and it would mean my life to do what I used to do.That's where prohibition has taken the war on drugs here.I am now on major doses of legal opiates due to a spinal injury.I get along just fine.When I used to use far less I was chased,beaten arrested and imprisoned many times.You get the disconnect here?:peace:

hey bro i know how fucked things are but you cant tell me that to get that much time you were just smokin so you know as we all do that there are consequences to our i feel that you deserved it , i dont know you so i cant say . but drugs have that effect on people . i know people doin heavy time for stuff and to get 12 you were deep in the game .or you just kept getting repeat offenses. this definately smells like narcotics to me. i am not pickin fun either. just sayin. thats alot for for weed exspeacialy . so make me the bad guy if you want but peeps get 5 for over a hundred lbs so you must ve been into narcotics or major lbs to get 12 if not let me know . i am not unreasonable i just dont think with the facts as they are that when you were doing what you were doing that you would have made half of whatyou maDE IF IT WERE LEGAL. THATS ALL I'M SAYING.

MY SPINE IS JACKED TOO BUT I DONT TAKE SHIT . I JUST DRINK CUZ WEED MAKES IT SPAZ . PILLS STRING YOU OUT . N WITHDRAW. SO I AM NOT PERSECUTING PEOPLE FOR SMOKING POT BUT IF IT WERE LEGAL DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD PROFIT $AS MUCH AS IT NOT BEING? FROM A CAREGIVERS ASPECT THAT IS . I WANT THE BEST FOR PEOPLE I REALY DO BUT DO THINK MOST GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING BUT THEMSELVES ? you can be out if you want i am not trying to make people feel bad about who they are . strictly comercial aspects are my reasons for wanting cannabis illegal. addictions are big in part of prohibition so its whatever to me i have come to terms with my addictions and have embraced them then let em go.
xcept booze ... you be you and i'll be me ,take care of yourself ...
Your best legal defense is to keep your mouth shut. The only words you need to puke is I want my lawer and you only need to say that once and only once. People need to understand that law enforcement is not your friend. they want to make there own job easy by getting you to say something so they can twist your words to make you guilty.I found out in Denver they make LE take a IQ test if your score is above average they do not accept you. I find that questionable. They don't want people to be free thinkers because then they wont do half of the illegal tactics they teach these people teh extotion side of the law.

lol this true?
Prohibtion on Pot was origanaly put forth for immigration control back in the 1930's. Really work well. LOL

Immigration Control? It was all BS to make marijuana illegal. Mexican immigrants were one of the scapegoats who would suffer 1st because of the new law. It's ironic that US Gov't is trying this method again by stating there is a hugh issue with Mexican drug cartels in California. The main reason those powerfull men in the 1930's wanted MJ illegal was due to all of the uses it provided. Remember, cannabis was used as a medicine in the late 1800's until the Bayer company invented/discovered aspiren in the early 1900's. Also, in the '30's DuPont invented nylon which meant competition with hemp. Add William Randolph Hearst to the mix and you have major powers trying to criminlize marijuana. It was a perfect storm that unfortunately went their way. Really, it was a chemical company, a pharmaceutical company, and a newspaper giant. The biggest lie is the fact that marijuana was NOT made illegal because people smoked the flowers but because of it's industrial use.
hey bro i know how fucked things are but you cant tell me that to get that much time you were just smokin so you know as we all do that there are consequences to our i feel that you deserved it , i dont know you so i cant say . but drugs have that effect on people . i know people doin heavy time for stuff and to get 12 you were deep in the game .or you just kept getting repeat offenses. this definately smells like narcotics to me. i am not pickin fun either. just sayin. thats alot for for weed exspeacialy . so make me the bad guy if you want but peeps get 5 for over a hundred lbs so you must ve been into narcotics or major lbs to get 12 if not let me know . i am not unreasonable i just dont think with the facts as they are that when you were doing what you were doing that you would have made half of whatyou maDE IF IT WERE LEGAL. THATS ALL I'M SAYING.

MY SPINE IS JACKED TOO BUT I DONT TAKE SHIT . I JUST DRINK CUZ WEED MAKES IT SPAZ . PILLS STRING YOU OUT . N WITHDRAW. SO I AM NOT PERSECUTING PEOPLE FOR SMOKING POT BUT IF IT WERE LEGAL DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD PROFIT $AS MUCH AS IT NOT BEING? FROM A CAREGIVERS ASPECT THAT IS . I WANT THE BEST FOR PEOPLE I REALY DO BUT DO THINK MOST GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING BUT THEMSELVES ? you can be out if you want i am not trying to make people feel bad about who they are . strictly comercial aspects are my reasons for wanting cannabis illegal. addictions are big in part of prohibition so its whatever to me i have come to terms with my addictions and have embraced them then let em go.
xcept booze ... you be you and i'll be me ,take care of yourself ...

Bro, I think you have some real backwards thinking. Your statements do not make sense and they contradict each other. 420Mag is here to educate the people who visit. It's obvious that you have'nt spent much time reading comments. In my opion, your thinking and how you protray your life is not the norm for this web site. You are part of the problem we face in legalizing MJ. I am so glad that the majority of the people on this web site do not think like you. You should educate yourself and 420mag is a great place to start.
Bro, I think you have some real backwards thinking. Your statements do not make sense and they contradict each other. 420Mag is here to educate the people who visit. It's obvious that you have'nt spent much time reading comments. In my opion, your thinking and how you protray your life is not the norm for this web site. You are part of the problem we face in legalizing MJ. I am so glad that the majority of the people on this web site do not think like you. You should educate yourself and 420mag is a great place to start.

amen to that, and i'm done with this thread....lavendar
Bro, I think you have some real backwards thinking. Your statements do not make sense and they contradict each other. 420Mag is here to educate the people who visit. It's obvious that you have'nt spent much time reading comments. In my opion, your thinking and how you protray your life is not the norm for this web site. You are part of the problem we face in legalizing MJ. I am so glad that the majority of the people on this web site do not think like you. You should educate yourself and 420mag is a great place to start.

brother you need to get past all your anger . its not me you should be mad at. i am subscribed to many forums and live off cannabis who are you to tell me i dont fit in a cannabis forum because i'm different . and if more people did think like me maybe realisticaly there would be lesser penalties for cannabis possesion .instead of just getting high n talkin about stuff that doesnt matter anymore like issues that happened a 100 years ago.
i follow the same road but i know where it leads to. i have more passion for this plant than you but i dont smoke it so what. ease back . i have been heavy in this thread n can memorize damn near all of it so maybe you need to pull your head out of a cloud. n reread the capital letters of my previous post. you can wax about pro whatever but i am involved in what this thread issue is a subject for so take your 60's education material n leave me alone unless you have something constructive to say.
I was raised with manners and show the very same to people unless they try to bite me and i learned to bite back .
brother you need to get past all your anger . its not me you should be mad at. i am subscribed to many forums and live off cannabis who are you to tell me i dont fit in a cannabis forum because i'm different . and if more people did think like me maybe realisticaly there would be lesser penalties for cannabis possesion .instead of just getting high n talkin about stuff that doesnt matter anymore like issues that happened a 100 years ago.
i follow the same road but i know where it leads to. i have more passion for this plant than you but i dont smoke it so what. ease back . i have been heavy in this thread n can memorize damn near all of it so maybe you need to pull your head out of a cloud. n reread the capital letters of my previous post. you can wax about pro whatever but i am involved in what this thread issue is a subject for so take your 60's education material n leave me alone unless you have something constructive to say.
I was raised with manners and show the very same to people unless they try to bite me and i learned to bite back .

Whoa! I think you might be the one with the anger issue. You have gotten into it with everyone who has commented on your posts. I don't see alot people agreeing with you either. How about that passion of yours? You have a passion to keep MJ illegal so as you say, "I can support my family". I don't know you (thank God) and I usually try to be positive. I see no difference from you and the fascist Gov't. It is one thing to provide a service like selling on the black market but if you're not in it to end this ridiculous drug policy, I have no sympathy for you when legalization puts you out of business. You are really being narrow minded when you say you can't make a living in a MJ legal capacity. You are a prime example of how the war on drugs has failed. The two entities that benefit the most are law enforcement and drug dealers. I would really like to see everything legalized. Boy, that would really take a chunk out of your business. Would it not? I think if you look at 420mag's mission statement, you would find it overwhelmingly wants legalization for everyone. You see, basically what you are saying is "prohibition is great for my income" while medical marijuana providers rot in jail and I'm sure you wouldn't do a thing to help those individuals. I think I understand. If the medical MJ providers are out of the way and there is report after report of MJ busts, I just see your smile getting bigger. I hope you can sleep at night. :goodjob:
This thread shows how the war on drugs is running parallel to the prohibition of alcohol. Only the bad guys win. it is only a matter of time before marijuana becomes legal. Let's face it, the modern facts show that marijuana have many positive benefits for Mankind... That far exceed the facts against it... So what's the problem... The problem is about the lie... that is spread through our police, legal system and social system. Why do they tell the lie ... it would mean that they would have to omit that they were wrong and would have to release hundred of thousands of prisoners' who would be release from prisons flooding a all ready weak job market.... This is just one of many aspects that are going to have to look at.... Statistics show that our prisons system do not work.. their is no reform behind prison walls... Prisons create a society that can only survive behind the walls of prison... Which are raciest in nature and Violent in structure.... prisoners are living this type of brutality right now... And they wonder why our legal system is busted.... it cannot even omit its mistake due to law enforcement and politicians ego's.. legalizing marijuana is the first step in in many in the process of taking back our rights as Free Humans ...

Sorry jiggy, that marijuana does not help your back. be careful of the alcohol, it can lead to some serious medical issues like throat cancer and brain cell loss...
one things for sure almost everyone has tried to bite me so i have replied n sir you definately have got me wrong. when have you ever suited up to do any good .or even held a hippy picket smarty pants? you have done nothing but get high n talk talk talk. n if youve done different please let me know all the starving kids youve fed or do you just care about mmj. i'm sure you a bleedin heart for all the mmj users n this is why your so passionate. i love pot its my life, as well as other things . fascist you say well in my near city when i was younger used to get into fights and raise awareness with those fascists to help protect people in our niehborhoods from these swine n if you compare me to the government well you are just throwing rocks in a glass house . no i believe all narco or barbituate drugs are the devil n pot is just pot so you again sir have misunderstood where i'm coming from .i live in one of the biggest drug states there is n i have seen what most just watch on tv. yes as it may be i am a firm beleiver in REFORMING our mj laws because its the first step of getting the rest of america to settle into the idea (not just stoners. this is going to keep recreational users out of the system and the risktakers like me accountable is a common belief in our current government that this is how senaters and most important polititions feel so it is more acheivable & faster to pass. this is a gurantee .do you understand? to all out make it legal right out of the blue is not going to happen. n you can say activists have been fighting for a hundred years bla bla . but the fact is reform is easier to put in effect faster . this will also help stabilize the new market for cannabis sales also. haven all the spite in the world wont make cannabis legal or me stupid. you can feel good about trying to make me look bad if you want to but this is not a compitition its about making things better . maybe its the way the masses think about these situations that we are talking about is slowing the progress. if you knew how to act right n not regurgitate the same crap over n over again and get all your efforts together to organize and petition realisticaly to your state senate and other ways that get bills passed instead of just getting high n talking about it . i am actualy into trying to get mmj in my state. not legal marijuana and in focus programs to get as much as i can with this so i am not left in the cold and can make a transition if legalization were to take effect . what do you do sir ? besides try to make me look bad ..

we should all be passing links around instead of hatred. not legalize propaghanda either i mean actual activist stuff for change now .established medical sites and politicaly backed programs ..

there is a reason pot costs more per pound than food . why? because pots a luxury and its phsycoactive . if it became passe then well whatever shit happens right. at least we all know what everyone will be spending all their money on .
glad to hear your point of view... It's not about taking pot shots at anyone. It's to make people think... We all have our point of view... yes we can't be bashing each other.. But we can probe someone's belief and see what they are really all about. ... You ask what I do. I am at the moment putting together a political party that believes in that mankind can create a world that we all can be proud of... That's another story to be told at later date. I am tired of all the bullshit that we call a fair and just form of government. I don't know if we can change it through reform or if it is going to take a massive protest in Washington D.C. that demands a change in the way things are being run. I would like to believe we can do it through knowledge and getting people to vote to make a change... We are at point in history were we can go down like the past civilizations' of violence and destruction or see the errors of our past and change this country to truly reflect a civilization that can advance into the future...
awesome . iglad to see that . its not as easy to pass laws in the first place . then putting a cannabis law on top is going seem to be rediculous to most. but to lobby them state by state and even straight to the top would be a plea for the youth to not get their lives ruined before they can figure it out for them selves. make it basic for possesion amouts to become very minimal to fines and save the youth n stuff. this should be the argument you pose to them not how you (generaly speeking ) getting high doesnt hurt anyone. never rasie the fact that you even smoke..make it about saving something and not your own cries is how governments work . to stop kids from not being productive in the future before they can go to get a view of it is wrong. i totaly agree with the admitting their mistakes n stuff comment youve posted iys a huge factor in my belief that will complicate legality to no end ... so i am more inclined to want people to understand this and put one foot in front of the other and start by changing the penalties n figure out how to work the system . show a lobbyist how to make money off of kids paying fines instead of them (taxpayers) paying prison fees and they will listen .

people just cant hate the government and bash it then ask it to do something for them. you know . you have to work together just like politics.
jackass and an elephant how comical is that.

thanx for taking the time out to comment . thanx for the warning ,i only drink on occasion and mostly always social never alone unless i'm realy realy bothered. good luck to you.btw when i posted thiat prvious comment i did not know that you had posted til ten minute ago . it was made in reference to bonehead .but you are a much more pleasant to talk to and insightfull
awesome . iglad to see that . its not as easy to pass laws in the first place . then putting a cannabis law on top is going seem to be rediculous to most. but to lobby them state by state and even straight to the top would be a plea for the youth to not get their lives ruined before they can figure it out for them selves. make it basic for possesion amouts to become very minimal to fines and save the youth n stuff. this should be the argument you pose to them not how you (generaly speeking ) getting high doesnt hurt anyone. never rasie the fact that you even smoke..make it about saving something and not your own cries is how governments work . to stop kids from not being productive in the future before they can go to get a view of it is wrong. i totaly agree with the admitting their mistakes n stuff comment youve posted iys a huge factor in my belief that will complicate legality to no end ... so i am more inclined to want people to understand this and put one foot in front of the other and start by changing the penalties n figure out how to work the system . show a lobbyist how to make money off of kids paying fines instead of them (taxpayers) paying prison fees and they will listen .

people just cant hate the government and bash it then ask it to do something for them. you know . you have to work together just like politics.
jackass and an elephant how comical is that.

thanx for taking the time out to comment . thanx for the warning ,i only drink on occasion and mostly always social never alone unless i'm realy realy bothered. good luck to you.btw when i posted thiat prvious comment i did not know that you had posted til ten minute ago . it was made in reference to bonehead .but you are a much more pleasant to talk to and insightfull

I am sorry but I cannot understand you. I do not no where you are coming from. You are all over the place. I might be a good idea for you to go back and re-read your comments. Maybe its because some of your sentences do not make sense. It also seems that you have ESP (in laman terms: you have the ability to read minds because YOU GOT ME PEGGED EXACTLY.) Like I said before, you do not seem up on the current marijuana issues. You seem offended by the slightest comment and turn into something complete different which the person never said and now you are talking like you never said some of the things you said.

I was not tell you to get off this site. Maybe you have an opinion that is not what most people think but YOU should relax and be more pleasant. If you cannot educate yourself than be prepared to get negative feedback to your posts and to call you out when you make as I would call it your "reefer madness" way of thinking.

I do not no where you live (my guess would be Texas) but you might checkout things that are happening in other places. There are a great deal of laws being passed, petitions being signed and people standing up for their rights.

One last thing. It is funny that with all the comments I made, you didn't seems upset by saying you do not want MJ legalized. You like to turn it around and attack. You question my activism. You got alot balls. Why don't you come out to California and I'll show what we're doing out here. I can also show you so other threads on this website to look at. :yahoo:
whatever bonehead ... i am a free thinker n not common or bound by addiction. i was just trying to make conversation that blew up. i'm glad you took the time to read it all . maybe you can sit around n show this n your friends how cool you are when yous get high . show a politition n see what he says while your at it ... ive been over this thread for a while now n i'm glad ive met a few on it that i have enjoyed talking to . btw post the links
J2J -I, like Bonehead, have had a hard time following your posts. It may be the way you write in long paragraphs with very little punctuation and capitalization. There are also other reasons. I'm going to cover a little bit of ground here, so bear with me.

I have to say first that I haven't read all of every post in this thread, but I think I can hit some of the high points.

First, what really bothers me about your perspective is the fact that you seem to think there's something negative about Cannabis. The truth is, it's not the Cannabis, it's a personal problem if someone abuses a substance.

Second, you're kind of judgmental about other people using Cannabis; calling it an addiction. Cannabis is one of the least addictive psychoactive substances around. It's not physically addictive; but can be psychologically addictive because the effects are just so positive. Take your average "pothead" that smokes all day for pleasure. Even they realize it's better to use this safe and beneficial substance then, say, drinking ethanol.

Third, if your kids or family want to smoke Cannabis regularly, they will. It has nothing to do with the legal status. It was the same for me 35 years ago. I started drinking, then found Cannabis. Thankfully I stuck with the Cannabis off and on throughout my life and have generally avoided ethanol, which is a liver and brain toxin. I would prefer that none of my family have to rely on something to alter their consciousness, but if they want to do something, medical evidence indicates that Cannabis is much safer.

Finally, you may be right about how it will take small steps of reform to get anywhere in this battle. Nevertheless, I think it's total BS to use your admittedly selfish and hypocritical perspective to lobby to keep it illegal! That's the same reason big pharmaceutical companies and the prison industry don't want it legal. It will take money out of their pockets.

I can smoke one hit of good Cannabis every other day and not need any other medication for sleep and pain. I could grow it myself if it was legal to do so. However my only Federally legal option is to go to a doctor and pay a small fortune for him or her to quickly prescribe 3 or 4 different medications that could cost me $400 a month or more. These meds would have myriad harmful side affects, including death, and not even touch my problems like Cannabis can.

The fact that you grow it and sell it illegally yet don't care to use it yourself, while claiming there's something wrong with the substance, is the height of hypocrisy and goes against everything this site stands for, in my opinion. Your arguments can only lead to confusion for people that come here looking for serious answers.

In fact, the truth about Cannabis as medicine and it's safety relative to ethanol and tobacco are so compelling that many medical doctors and their associations, as well as consortiums of former law enforcement officials are in favor of legalization. Anyone with an open mind and common sense can see the reason behind that. You're arguments really hold no water, buddy.
iwas almost outa here , untill this beauty of a post this is a great post . no bullshit. i dont know where to start with all the great stuff that you pointed out and biggest part is where we agree.

first i keep my details vauge so i dont get busted or i would even give yous an adress to where i come from . but i am not a pot basher but it does cause bad habits in most people just like pills and drinking or even internet porn for that matter . bad habbits / addiction are what i'm trying to get across there . i have smoked for a long time n know what its all about . good and bad. whats funny is i encourage people to not smoke . i dont have a problem with people who do either. none at all. unless they are terribly irresponsible.

i profit from it being where it is at legaly because first off my business ethics.i know ironic but its true to a not so common thread i do unto others . its how i was raised.
i;m sure they would rather my profesion be different.
second supply/demand.

do i want something different honestly yes but it doesnt seem to be going the right direction for me . for instance farmers now with cash crops make pennies per pound compared to mj . why would i want that to change is how i am thinking on that (selfish i know but, honest). also i dont want kids or people who have under an ounce or 1/2 to get any penalties but a fine(realisticaly). now for peole in the black /gray are a different story . since i am in this i dont see how i am being out of my element here. this is of contraversy and what i know so yes i am unsure about my veiws on legalization . so i say no i dont want it . till i am confident to stand with people like bonehead i will stay on my side of the fence.
you however carry yourself very different and i can respect that .

as for it medicaly they were selling thc pills forever n if you really needed it you got it . its all the smokers want that aspect aslo that brings us to now. does it help some people yes .could other people be better off without it honestly ask yourself that ,and your answer should be yes . if so you are an honest man and i would shake your hand part ways . or we could sit an try to get laws reformed while i have a drink n you a smoke. or at the very least a few laughs if the situation was there.
I personally think these last two posts say it all,,I congradulate you both on being men about your differences.:thanks: This is exactly what a "free speech" forum should be like.. :roorrip:
iwas almost outa here

This helped me get a grasp on your perspective, thank's for posting and being honest. We don't all have to agree on everything, it's a complex situation. Peace.
Prohibtion on Pot was origanaly put forth for immigration control back in the 1930's. Really work well. LOL

This is a new one.I've heard that it was to allow hearst to make a fortune off of his timber claims,to prevent hispanics,blacks and jazz musicians from stealing our white women etc.etc.etc.I guess the idiots that were trying to make a career in government service were willing to say and do just about anything to get what they wanted.Now we have to live with the fallout.:peace:
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